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Everything posted by Fiery

  1. What is the device that you used for that test? Thanks, Fiery
  2. We've fixed the GPU utilization issue on RS780 and RS880 chipsets in the latest beta release of AIDA64 Extreme available at: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/aida64extremebuild2925v1s4kpycljzip We'll fix the voltage issues soon as well.
  3. We do not have a weather plugin for AIDA64, and we currently have no plans to work on such a feature. You can use custom gauge design if you select Custom as gauge type. Then you have to press the "..." button next to States to load the 16 individual gauge state graphics files. Of course, you have to draw all 16 states first, using Photoshop or a similar graphics software. Regards, Fiery
  4. You can find out how to install AIDA64 Business in a corporate environment in the AIDA64 Business Setup Guide: http://www.aida64.co.uk/sites/default/files/public/download/documents/en/aida64business-setupguide.pdf Regards, Fiery
  5. That does disable HDD/SSD temperature measurement. If the issue persists, then it is caused by another module. You can try disabling HWMon Modules one-by-one (right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> HWMon Modules), maybe you can find out which one is behind the spikes.
  6. Thank you for the feedback. Those very rare peaks could be caused by the HDD/SSD temperature enumeration.
  7. Thank you. Please upgrade to the latest beta version of AIDA64 Extreme available at: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/aida64extremebuild2920kbxvyrnlsjzip After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade. Let me know if it makes any difference.
  8. 1) What version+build of AIDA64 are you running? 2)What version of Windows do you have installed? (32-bit or 64-bit) 3) Do you have any external drives connected, either via eSATA, USB or FireWire? Thanks, Fiery
  9. It's best not to use the computer, but in rare cases using the computer could help to get to the system crash quicker
  10. Thanks for the info. So the issue only comes up when RTSS is active?
  11. Older AIDA64 versions did not use all available physical memory, while the latest versions (v4.20 and v4.30) use it all up. What you see is normal. As for how long you should have the test running. We generally recommend a few hours, since not many users have the patience to have it running for the ideal 24 hours. In your case, if at 1.524V you got a BSoD in a few minutes, but at 1.65V it runs for an hour, that should be enough to assure the 1.65V setting is superior
  12. It's odd, we haven't found such issues with ForceWare 337.50. Please let me know what Windows version (and 32-bit or 64-bit) and what video card were you using for the test. GTX680 with 64-bit Win7 SP1 maybe?
  13. Are you sure that voltage is enough for your memory modules? Also, do you use default memory timings? If you're using CR (Command Rate) of 1T, try to up it to 2T -- it helps in many cases to stabilize the system. And I'm pretty sure the issue is not AIDA64. If it was the culprit, then the BSoD would come up by just clicking through the pages of AIDA64, like Motherboard / Chipset, Computer / Summary, Computer / Sensor. Please note that the AIDA64 System Stability Test is designed for exactly to reveal such issues that your system is having. It puts such an enermous stress on the system that it can reveal instability easier -- and in many cases quicker -- than by using other tools.
  14. It simply means your system is not stable. You have to use more conservative overclocking settings (if your system is overclocked), or check out the components, because one of them may be failing. Regards, Fiery
  15. It's quite possible that the panels are shown, but outside the visible Windows desktop area. You can move them to the desired location by altering the SensorPanelPosX, SensorPanelPosY, OSDPosX and OSDPosY values in the Registry, under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\FinalWire\AIDA64. It's not the most user-friendly method, but it should help in your case to make your panels visible again. Regards, Fiery
  16. It is not possible to convert from HTML to any other formats. Regards, Fiery
  17. I can understand your idea, but I'm afraid it's currently not possible because of the way the hardware monitoring module of AIDA64 is designed. We may make that possible in the future when the hardware monitoring module gets revamped (rewritten). Regards, Fiery
  18. It will last until the next beta is out Or, if you mean how long will it take for this to go stable, then we're planning to release the next AIDA64 stable update late May.
  19. Thank you. There's no other temperature reading, so Defraggler must be using a minus 8 Celsius compensation value on the temperature reading.
  20. Please post a screen shot of the Storage / SMART page of AIDA64 as well. There's a chance Defraggler reads temperature from another SMART attribute.
  21. Please check the Storage / Optical Drives page of AIDA64 Regards, Fiery
  22. On ASRock ConRoe1333-D667 motherboard we have no information on what Aux temperature represents. It looks like it's a valid reading though.
  23. Core 2 Duo T7400 has no IMC (Integrated Memory Controller) in the CPU package, so I'd need to know the notebook model to find that out.
  24. It's a bug that will be fixed in the next beta update. The 4 GB is only valid for the desktop version of your CPU (codenamed Pineview-D, where "D" stands for desktop).
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