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Everything posted by Fiery

  1. We'll work on implementing handling of both your connected AlphaCool LCDs. BTW, do you have similar screens, or one of them is 200x64 resolution and the other is 240x128? As for Megtron, I'm not sure what can we do, since its API (interface) seems to be different to AlphaCool's, but unlike with AlphaCool LCDs, you cannot seem to purchase Megtron hardware anymore. Or do you happen to know a store that still sells them?
  2. No, since we haven't fixed anything related to USB devices detection since v4.30.2900.
  3. We've got a S2510BPU33 box today, and connected it to an Etron USB 3.0 controller. The information reported by AIDA64 on its Devices / USB Devices page looks like this: [ USB Mass Storage Device (USB3.0 Device) ] Device Properties: Device Description USB Mass Storage Device Device ID 174C-1053 Device Class 08 / 06 (Mass Storage) Device Protocol 50 Manufacturer Generic Product USB3.0 Device Serial Number AC0000000001 Supported USB Version 3.00 Current Speed Super (USB 3.0) I think in your case the SATA-to-USB 3.0 bridge chip of the box (ASMedia ASM1053) may be having an issue with the NEC USB 3.0 controller, and that's why it switches down to USB 2.0 mode. Regards, Fiery
  4. I'm afraid I've run out of ideas about this issue Since other software is also affected, my best guess would be a configuration issue on your system. Due to a BIOS bug, an invalid installed software (that keeps colliding with AIDA64 and CPU-Z), a faulty driver, etc.
  5. Thank you for the feedback. For most firewall software, another (3rd party) software cannot detect or alter firewall status. So the "?" status is normal.
  6. Please note that the requested feature of continuous updating of LCD graphs on inactive pages is scheduled to be rolled out with the next AIDA64 beta update. It will be released in about 10 days from now. I'll drop a message into this topic once the new AIDA64 beta is available for download.
  7. We've fixed a couple of bugs about AlphaCool LCDs in the following new AIDA64 Extreme beta release: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/aida64extremebuild3029hc0g3swtrpzip After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade. This release also makes it easier and more straightforward to configure monochrome LCD displays (like AlphaCool and Logitech G15).
  8. We've added support for Panda Cloud Antivirus v3 in the latest beta version of AIDA64 Extreme available at: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/aida64extremebuild3029hc0g3swtrpzip After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade. Let me know how it works. Please note that since most security software nowadays tend to integrate anti-virus + anti-spyware + anti-trojan + parental locking features, with AIDA64 we've stopped adding more software on the Anti-Spyware and Anti-Trojan pages. Now only the Anti-Virus and Firewall pages are updated to list the latest security software.
  9. We've completely revamped the way AIDA64 handles LCD screen switching in the latest AIDA64 Extreme beta release available at: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/aida64extremebuild3029hc0g3swtrpzip Please let me know how it works. If it's possible, please leave one of 6 pages empty, to make sure you can test how AIDA64 now handles skipping empty pages.
  10. Yes. And BTW, you can use a single AIDA64 Extreme license on up to 3 computers in your home at one time. Regards, Fiery
  11. We'll work on that I'll drop a message into this topic once there's an update to the issue.
  12. I'm glad you've managed to resolve it
  13. Do you have at least one item placed on every 6 of the possible G19 screens? When you have "holes" in the list of screens (like Page 1 is populated, Page 2 is empty, Page 3 is populated, etc), such things could happen. We'll improve on that in the next AIDA64 beta.
  14. I'm sorry that our technical support response time was more than 23 hours. Please also note that I'm responding to your query in the weekend when most companies are closed. We can of course fix the voltage readings, in case they are indeed wrong. Please note that many power supplies provide a different +5V and +12V levels under Windows, than what you can see in the BIOS Setup. Do you have a Biostar-made monitoring software where you can verify the values under Windows? Regards, Fiery
  15. FYI, on Sandy Bridge-E/EN/EP and Ivy Bridge-E/EN/EP/EX processors CPU package temperature is read from PCI registers, not from MSR registers. On mainstream Sandy Bridge, Ivy Bridge and Haswell processors CPU package temperature is read from MMIO (memory mapped) registers, not from MSR registers.
  16. I'd try the following: 1) Check the memory modules, remove all of them, put them back in the slots, to make sure they all have contact. Although, when you can see all modules on the SPD page of AIDA64, they definitely work properly 2) Update the BIOS to the latest release, and load the default values 3) If BIOS defaults doesn't help, try to find a BIOS option about memory remapping, and try to switch that option If none of those helps, try to Google for "3.99 GB usable". Make sure to include the 2 double-quote characters as well. There're a lot of hits for that, so I'm afraid you're not the only one suffering from that issue
  17. Even when the SPD modules list indicates that you've got 4 pieces of 2 GB modules, it doesn't necesserily mean that your system can utilize all of the memory provided by the memory modules. It can be due to operating system limitation (32-bit kernel), or due to chipset (memory controller) limitation, or even BIOS limitation. What motherboard do you have, what Windows version do you have installed? If you start Task Manager (press Shift+Ctrl+Escape), what memory size can you see there? Or, on the System page of Control Panel?
  18. There's no built-in facility in AIDA64 to solve such issues. The easiest way is to close AIDA64, navigate to AIDA64 installation folder, find the file called AIDA64.INI (settings file), open it in Notepad, and find the lines starting with HWMonLCDItemQ (where Q stands for Logitech QVGA device, e.g. G19). After the "Q" you can see the page number. You should change Q1 lines to Q4, and Q4 lines to Q1 to swap the two pages. You don't have to deal with the order of the lines in the AIDA64.INI file, it doesn't matter. Make sure to backup the original AIDA64.INI file before altering it
  19. It is 500 msec, but it is the time between two updates, ie. the time between the end of the previous update and the start of the next update. And such an update (of many monitored sensor items) could take between 50 to 1000 milliseconds. When you've got a lot of sensor items on your LCD, or when one of them takes a lot of time to poll, the actual update rate of the LCD could be more than a second even with a 500 msec configured update frequency. And as you've pointed it out, the easiest way to notice that issue is watching the clock
  20. The list of video adapters show the adapters in a way that Windows manages them. And Windows itself installs one video adapter for every video outputs of your video card. When you've got a single video card with 4 video outputs, you'll see 4 video adapters installed. As for Cloud Antivirus, as an anti-virus software it is already supported, but maybe you're running a new version that is currently unsupported or where we need to tweak some bits. Please let me know what version you're using.
  21. Thank you for the feedback You can change the LCD background colour in AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / LCD to a solid colour. If you want to put an image (picture) as the background, then you can add it as an LCD item. Make sure to move the background image on the top of the list of LCD items (using the Move Up button), since the creating order of the items call for the background image to be the first in the list of items. You can use a 480x320 pixel BMP, JPEG or PNG file as your background, and smaller images for decoration (e.g. logos, badges).
  22. We've added support for character based LCD displays using Till Harbaum's LCD2USB protocol, as described at: LCD2USB - LCD to USB converter You can enable the LCD device from AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Hardware Monitoring / LCD. After enabling it, make sure to set the LCD size (on the same page of the AIDA64 Preferences), since LCD2USB-capable devices will not provide such information to AIDA64. Currently the following LCD sizes are supported: 16x2 16x4 20x2 20x4 40x2 40x4 The only thing needed to enable this feature is having the appropriate LCD2USB drivers installed, and the LCD to be connected to a USB port. You can verify if your device is LCD2USB compliant by finding the device on the Devices / USB Devices page in AIDA64, and checking its Device ID. It should be 0403-C630. You can find the new AIDA64 beta update at: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta Please let us know if you find any difficulties enabling or using this new feature. Also let us know if you've got another kind of LCD device that is currently unsupported by AIDA64. BTW, Abacom (ExpertProfi), AlphaCool, Digital Devices, Mad Catz Venom, Matrix Orbital, and SDC Megtron LCD displays are also supported now by the latest AIDA64 beta. BTW, we're planning to support Till Harbaum's graphical LCD device as well, as described at: GLCD2USB - graphic LCD to USB converter Regards, Fiery
  23. We've fixed the issue in the latest beta version of AIDA64 Extreme available at: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/aida64extremebuild3025mpq1n6vcszzip After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade. Let me know how it works
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