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Everything posted by Fiery

  1. We're waiting for a chance to acquire an iCUE Nexus sample that we could use to develop support for it. It was briefly available at its launch, but AFAIK it was pulled back from the market due to unknown reasons. Corsair hasn't put it back to market yet, but hopefully will do soon.
  2. It's actually normal. Our i9-10900K (stock settings) exhibits throttling even with a big-*ss cooler that's rated for 250W TDP. So you have nothing to worry about.
  3. Please post a screenshot of the Cache & Memory Benchmark panel of AIDA64 so we can check all scores. Also make sure to use the latest AIDA64 version of 6.30.5500.
  4. If you could explain the protocol in details, and provide us with either sample hardware or a way to acquire such a hardware, then we could implement support for your LCD device in AIDA64.
  5. Please avoid posting a single issue into multiple topics. I've replied you in your other topic.
  6. I'm not sure if I understand your inquiry. Can you please explain with more details, and in English?
  7. Our best guess is that it's because 144Hz is only used when you're playing a game or watching a movie. In regular apps the device may lower the refresh rate in order to save power.
  8. Please note that ever since Android 7.0 (for whatever reason) Google decided to block apps from accessing several system files that were previously readable. That includes the files apps would need to show thermal sensor readings. Battery temperature reading is still available fortunately.
  9. soc is basically the CPU of your mobile device.
  10. Do you mean it's not indicated on the Devices page of AIDA64 for Android?
  11. Please note that on many devices the standard Android Battery API is inadequately implemented, and fails to provide proper charge counter information for the battery. If you want, you can hide the incorrect charge counter information from the Battery page by unchecking the charge counter option in the AIDA64 Settings.
  12. Yes, it's a known issue that is caused by new architectural tricks of Ampere. We're working on fixing it as well as a few other minor issues related to Ampere GPUs.
  13. Yes, it's a very secret feature due to our negligence of not documenting it anywhere You're right, by average users I meant average power users, or average AIDA64 users. Even those folks tend to get deterred by the complex configuration possibilities that SensorPanel/LCD already offers. They're looking for ready-made solutions or half-baked layouts that they could modify. Starting from scratch and learning how to "drive" this thing does indeed require a learning curve and a lot of time invested. I hear you about the collapsible section, but until this Covid issue blows over I cannot and would prefer not to make promises about future developments. We're trying to focus on what we can do right now, since noone knows what tomorrow brings...
  14. I think with custom gauge states you can do that.
  15. Your video card has iCX3 technology that AIDA64 doesn't support yet. AIDA64 could provide readings for all fans only with iCX3 support. We're working on it
  16. Thank you for the info. Please send us a final dump: right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> Disk Debug --> NVMe Dump.
  17. I think you can get around this issue if you rearrange your monitors in the multi-monitor setup of Windows Settings in a way to make your secondary monitor (the monitor where you place your SensorPanel on) to be the left-most monitor of your monitors. That way in case the main display resolution changes, the absolute coordinate of the SensorPanel window will still (and will always) be 0,0
  18. Thank you! Please try to install Samsung's NVMe drivers that are suitable for 980 Pro, and let me know if it helps.
  19. 1) IMHO increasing the number of states would make it very tedious to come up with that many of individual state images. That's why we prefer to keep it at a managable level. 2) PNG images cannot be altered by AIDA64, so it's not possible to add shadow, gradient or other tricks to them. Bars are rendered by AIDA64 itself, which gives us a lot more freedom in manipulating them.
  20. I'm not sure what you mean by that. Please explain your issue in English and use more details.
  21. If you have an Asus motherboard, you can try disabling the two Embedded Controller (EC) related options in AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Stability, and see if it makes a difference. In case your motherboard is made by another vendor, or disabling those options fails to help, please let me know.
  22. Actually, if you change the unit label (of NIC download rate and NIC upload rate sensor items) to MB/s (means: MegaBytes/sec), Mbps (Megabits/sec), GB/s (GigaBytes/sec), or Gbps (Gigabits/sec), it will change the value itself accordingly. We've implemented that somewhat secret feature in order to avoid having to use conversion or special expressions. Your screenshot looks perfect, but the problem with the current LCD layout / SensorPanel editor is that it's already too complex for average users. We're trying to avoid adding more layers or more hoops to avoid alienating not-so-super-experienced users from using it.
  23. Thank you! Please right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> Disk Debug --> SMART Dump. Copy-paste the full results into this topic, or attach the results as a TXT file to your post. You may need to enable status bar in AIDA64 / main menu / View first. Also right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> Disk Debug --> RAID Dump. Copy-paste the full results into this topic, or attach the results as a TXT file to your post. Thanks, Fiery
  24. Have you tried it with the latest AIDA64 version of 6.30? If yes, then my guess would be that perhaps your Corsair H100i causes the headaches by on its own, or due to a collision between AIDA64 and its manufacturer supplied software (Corsair Link or iCUE). In which case it would be great if you could try disabling both Asetek LC sensor support and Corsair Link sensor support in AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Stability. In order to test for the collision, you can also try to close Corsair's own applications. Please let me know what can you experience about the issue that way.
  25. Do you have a NVMe RAID array that this SSD is a member of?
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