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Everything posted by Fiery

  1. I'm afraid I'm not experienced in that field, so I'm unable to give you recommendations about such dilemmas.
  2. 1) Yes, it is allowed. 2) Yes, it's the perfect edition for such usage. Regards, Fiery
  3. Thank you. Please let me know if you have the full combo assembled and tested to be working.
  4. I've never seen such a device with a USB connection Regards, Fiery
  5. Thank you. It looks quite odd. Can you see any useful info reported on the Computer / Sensor page on that system? Can you please post a copy-paste of the Sensor page, or a screen shot?
  6. Thank you for the feedback
  7. The SensorPanel currently cannot detect whether it's shown or hidden on the Windows Desktop, so it cannot stop refreshing itself when it's not necessary. Regards, Fiery
  8. We'll check the registration process on smaller screens. It may not be properly optimized for such devices. Our mobile apps have no documentation. You can however use Google to find out more about the technical terms used in our apps. Regards, Fiery
  9. Okay, then let's just agree to disagree, and move on. Thread locked.
  10. Sandra performs Stream benchmark, which is essentially a variant of a memory copy bandwidth benchmark, spiced with some simple CPU instructions performed on the copied data.
  11. Thank you, but we'd like to stick with our formula -- which is used by other benchmark software (like Sandra) as well BTW.
  12. Please also post an Embedded Controller Dump that you can find in the same Sensor Debug right-click menu.
  13. It depends on how the video driver handles that situation. Maybe it doesn't throttle the GPU itself, but stops the video card fan (or throttles it down) to make the system work quieter.
  14. In our memory read benchmark, we read a 64 MegaByte sized block from the RAM, and measure the time it takes to complete. Score = 64MB / time_it_took_in_seconds. In our memory write benchmark, we write a 64 MegaByte sized block into the RAM, and measure the time it takes to complete. Score = 64MB / time_it_took_in_seconds. In our memory copy benchmark, we copy a 32 MegaByte sized block by reading small chunks (into CPU registers) in each cycle and writing it back to a different RAM location (from the CPU registers). We measure the time it takes to complete the whole operation. Score = 64MB / time_it_took_in_seconds --> that's what can be debated, ie. whether it should rather be "Score = 32MB / time_it_took_in_seconds". Whether you consider copying 32MB as moving 32MB of data, or moving 64MB of data. From the memory interface perspective, reading 32MB and writing 32MB is considered transferring a total of 64MB data, that's why we use the formula "Score = 64MB / time_it_took_in_seconds".
  15. Thank you for the feedback
  16. It is a platform issue that Asus has to fix. Regards, Fiery
  17. In the next AIDA64 beta update we'll make the Computer / Summary and Motherboard / SPD pages to reset the SPD cache when you press the Refresh toolbar button (or go to main menu / View / Refresh, or press the F5 key).
  18. Thank you for the feedback. Which drive of yours is the first one in the list of drives on the Storage / SMART page of AIDA64?
  19. Maybe ForceWare uses similar power-saving tricks when the monitor is offline. I don't know, we haven't got any technical details on that yet.
  20. That issue is due to a SPD communication anomaly that affects Haswell-E and Broadwell-E based systems. We haven't been able to reproduce the issue on our own test systems, and when we've tried to fix it up by adjusting SPD protocol timing values, things got even worse We'll keep looking into it, but I cannot promise any quick fix at this time
  21. It can and there is. E.g. Sandra uses the same score calculation method as AIDA64, while RMMA uses a different one that yields to half the score on the same system.
  22. The above mentioned new AIDA64 beta update is now available for download: https://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta Let me know how it works
  23. The above mentioned new AIDA64 beta update is now available for download: https://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta Let me know how it works
  24. The above mentioned new AIDA64 beta update is now available for download: https://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta Let me know how it works
  25. We do 1/a, so we read something and then write it. It's not full duplex. And the read and write block sizes are added up together, so it's not 1/2 of read/write speed, but 1/1. There's no consensus in the benchmark industry about how to calculate the memory/cache copy scores, some software does it the "AIDA64 way", some others use your approach of 1/2. 2) No, we have no plans to go back to providing single-threaded memory bandwidth benchmarks. You can still use AIDA64 v2.85 to have that.
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