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Everything posted by Fiery

  1. Can you check what happens if you let AIDA64 switch the device to Mini Monitor Mode, but then you quickly close AIDA64, before that 5 seconds elapses? Will the device stay in Mini Monitor Mode? Something must be causing the DPF to switch back to Mass Storage Mode again, but I have no idea what could it be, as long as Samsung's own application is completely removed from your system. We've now double-checked with the same drivers you're using, under Windows 8.1 64-bit, with both a SPF-75H and a 800P DPF, and found no such issues you're experiencing. It works absolutely smooth on our test system.
  2. Since you've got some kind of errors even with the AIDA64 kernel drivers disabled, and the error points to nVIDIA video drivers, I'd say your system is indeed not 100% stable. The BSoD's you get when running AIDA64 benchmarks may just be due to the system instability, and not due to a bug in AIDA64.
  3. The issues will be fixed in the next AIDA64 beta update due in a day or two from now. I'll post the download link here, as soon as the new AIDA64 beta is available
  4. Yes, that's the same driver we're using. Do you have any remaining Samsung devices in the Device Manager, under Display Adapters? If yes, then try to uninstall that, including removing its drivers.
  5. It sounds quite odd. After the uninstallation, were all Samsung Frame Manager related files removed? Can you please check if there's any of them left under \Program Files\Samsung ? What version of Frame Manager did you have installed? Can you maybe check the driver version and driver date for the Mini Monitor driver? There're quite a few versions out there, and maybe you're not using the driver we've used for our test runs.
  6. Thank you. Please let me know the exact configuration of your CPU and memory, like BCLK frequency, CPU core multiplier, and DRAM:BCLK ratio as configured in the BIOS Setup.
  7. You're right, AIDA64 does not yet cover those points. We'll have to work on enabling proper detection in such environment as well. As for logon count, I suppose it doesn't count Microsoft account logins, that's why it doesn't increase with furter logons. Regards, Fiery
  8. Don't worry, we'll sort it out Most likely the issue is caused by the collision between Samsung Frame Manager's main hardware polling process called sam_controller.exe and AIDA64. Please try the following: 1) Start Registry Editor (REGEDIT.EXE), and navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Samsung\FrameManager 2) Check what value does the DeviceInfo field hold. If it's "00 00", then please switch the device to Mini Monitor Mode, and check it again. 3) Also check what USB device ID does your SPF-87H have assigned, on the Devices / USB Devices page. The device could be in either mode for that. I'm just wondering that because there are 3 different variants of SPF-87H out there, and it would be great to know which one have you got. 4) Try to kill the process called sam_controller.exe using Task Manager. That should take care of the collision between AIDA64 and Samsung Frame Manager, and let you use the DPF via AIDA64. If you don't want to use the Mini Monitor feature of your DPF for its intended purpose, then you may as well uninstall Samsung Frame Manager completely. It will leave the Mini Monitor USB device driver installed, so you will still be able to use AIDA64 with your DPF. 5) I'll send you something further in private message, but please only deal with that after the above 4 steps BTW, if nothing works out (which is unlikely), we already have a "Plan B" for Samsung SPF devices, so you will either way be able to use your SPF-87H with AIDA64. Thanks, Fiery
  9. It will be sorted out in the next AIDA64 beta release due in 1 or 2 days from now I'll post a download link here once the new beta is available.
  10. Thank you for the feedback, I'm glad you've managed to sort it out.
  11. No, we're not planning to enable that. It would make configuration too complex and hard to follow for many.
  12. T-Balancer bigNG supports 12 temperature inputs, and AIDA64 implements native support for it.
  13. I've sent you your product key in private message.
  14. Quite frankly, we don't think it would worth the hassle, simply because it's much better to use a background image that you can assign for any page. And if you want a plain, solid color background image, then you can make one using MS Paint for example, in 2 minutes
  15. If you enable Asus ATKEX sensor support in AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Stability (and then restart AIDA64), it should work with AI Suite. Regards, Fiery
  16. Thank you for the feedback. Yes, just copy over, let it replace any existing files. But first, close AIDA64
  17. Please right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> System Debug --> PCI Dump. Copy-paste the full results here. Thanks, Fiery
  18. We've tried to find the issue, but so far with no luck We would have to narrow it down to a specific part of the code to find the culprit. Please right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> Sensor Debug --> ISA Sensor Dump. Let me know if it triggers a BSoD or falls into and endless loop. Please also check if you experience any issues while viewing the following AIDA64 pages: - Commputer / Sensor - Motherboard / CPU - Motherboard / CPUID - Motherboard / SPD - Motherboard / Chipset
  19. The log file is not re-created at each update, but only appended. That's why its header cannot be updated at each update. The stat file in contrast is re-created at each update, hence its header can be updated.
  20. Does it hang on the Overclock page after it displayed "CPU Properties" line, so only that line is displayed on the Overclock page? Or is there any other lines displayed below that line before the hang happens, like "CPU Type" or "CPU Alias" ? Thanks, Fiery
  21. Thank you for the dumps. We've tried to reproduce the issue on our nVIDIA GeForce based test systems, but without luck so far. We'll try to get a mobile GeForce system, in a hope that it would produce the same errors. Meanwhile, please try to update to the latest AIDA64 beta and the latest ForceWare release, maybe the issue will fix itself meanwhile http://www.aida64.com/downloads/aida64extremebuild3114t0h8kqnryfzip I'll let you know in this topic once we have more information on this issue.
  22. Yes, the stat file now shows the log start and log finish time stamps. We've already rolled out the patched AIDA64 beta: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/aida64extremebuild3114t0h8kqnryfzip The lifetime of both log files are controlled by the option you've mentioned. In case you enable the date and time columns, and you use the above linked new beta, then you'll have all information in the log files to let you understand the logging time range covered by the log files.
  23. That's normal. That list shows the video adapters as Windows manages them. Windows installs a Windows video adapter for every video outputs your video card has got. So e.g. if you've got a DSub, a DVI and a HDMI output for your Intel iGPU, Windows will install 3 video adapters. Regards, Fiery
  24. We've checked, and it's not quite possible to import a specific data from a XML file into AIDA64. It's because with XML it's not possible to reference a specific data value, like you would reference e.g. a file on your disk drive, or a specific web page using a URL. With INI files and TXT files it would be easy though... In case you've got an exact idea on how to reference the data from your XML file in AIDA64, please let us know how do you imagine it, and also show us a sample XML file (or a part of it).
  25. We've just rolled out a new AIDA64 beta that supports BWCT, Crystalfontz and POS VFD displays: http://forums.aida64.com/topic/2433-new-lcd-device-support-crystalfontz/
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