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Everything posted by Fiery

  1. As I've stated above, AIDA64 does not explicitly load that DLL, so we cannot make it not load it.
  2. We currently don't know of a generic Windows API call to read or detect such property for a network adapter. Do you know of a Windows software that can show you that information? Regards, Fiery
  3. It usually means the CPU is overheating. Throttling percentage is read directly from Intel processors, and they reflect the amount of overheating the CPU is suffering from. As long as it's under 10%, it's not a big deal, and could be normal for certain Haswell and Broadwell processors.
  4. Thank you, we'll fix that issue in the next AIDA64 beta update due in a few days from now. Regards, Fiery
  5. Yes, you should close other programs, since they may interfere with AIDA64 Stability Test, or eat up too much CPU cycles that would be better spent on running stress test threads. But, after having a few hours spent with AIDA64 Stability Test running, and getting no errors, you may want to start opening other applications as well, to see if it makes a difference. Sometimes the computer locks up or throws a BSoD quicker with a more diverse workload than with a single very demanding workload. Regards, Fiery
  6. No, I'm afraid AIDA64 doesn't support plugins. If you can build a DLL and send us the interface (API) documentation, we can pull the data from your DLL. We do the same already with Fraps for example. As for transparency, no, it's not possible to make a fully transparent or opaque graph. But you can disable the graph background, frame and grid, so only the graph itself will be drawn. It would effectively mean a transparent background for the graph area.
  7. GPGPU benchmark results could change by simply updating the video driver, since companies like AMD, Intel and nVIDIA keep fine-tuning and optimizing their OpenCL driver all the time. So it wouldn't make much sense to add reference results, since we would have to update them everytime a new video driver is rolled out -- which is basically twice a week
  8. 64KB is very low, I don't think your device (or any other Samsung SPF device for that matter) would expect that small of an image. 256KB sounds more realistic.
  9. It's not a good idea to use AIDA64 and AI Suite in the same time, since AI Suite lacks the necessary synchronization interface to avoid collision between it and other monitoring software like AIDA64. And when AI Suite and another monitor software try to access the same EC (Embedded Controller) register, any wild issue could happen (system lockup, system restart, BSoD, etc).
  10. I'm afraid AIDA64 is right there, your CPU has no SGX support. Sandra may just have a bug there Check it with HWiNFO too, it reports the same as AIDA64. Regards, Fiery
  11. I'm not an expert at overclocking, but maybe someone else can chime in and give you some pointers
  12. What motherboard do you have, and which Windows version do you have installed? On certain systems AIDA64 issues ACPI calls to measure CPU temperature, but it shouldn't cause DPC latency spikes. As for wdf01000.sys, no, AIDA64 doesn't call that driver directly. But there may be a low-level API that AIDA64 uses, and that API may call the mentioned driver.
  13. Did you use the Strike7API.dll file from the Win32 folder of the Strike7 SDK ZIP package?
  14. If you keep the same BCLK and increase the multiplier, then your CPU core clock will be even more overclocked. So yes, such a move could well cause a stability issue that AIDA64 System Stability Test may reveal. Regards, Fiery
  15. AIDA64 doesn't add any features to your phone. Regards, Fiery
  16. Thank you, we will fix the issue in the next AIDA64 app update due in a few days from now.
  17. Yes, and the explanation has been posted in your topic http://forums.aida64.com/topic/3006-feed-back-on-wp10-build-105361004-with-aida64-1106/
  18. Please let me know the "RM" model ID of your phone, and we'll fix it up in the next app update. In your other post I can see "RM-822", but I'm not sure if that's the actual Lumia 920 model you mean. It works fine this way. The email icon is meant to be used to send the report to your email address of choice, while the other two email submit options are meant to be used to submit a report to us (FinalWire). The report submitted to us helps to fix bugs and improve the capabilities of the app, and that's why those reports include some degree of debug information. We cannot fix that, actually. The problem is that even though AIDA64 uses the same standard email sending API, Windows 10 (including Windows 10 for PCs and Windows 10 Mobile) fails to pass the whole report to the email client. So if you try to submit a report on a WP8.1 device, the whole report will be passed to the email client; but under Win10 the report will be truncated. Sadly, the same bug plagues universal Windows 10 apps as well. What we can do on our side as a workaround is to attach the report to the emails as a TXT file. That way the report included in the email body will be truncated, but the attached file will have the complete report. We never wanted to attach the report to emails, since we were certain Microsoft would fix this bug in one of the Preview builds. But since both Windows 10 RTM Build 10240 and the latest (and supposedly almost RTM) Windows 10 Mobile Preview build still has this issue, we gave up and attached the report to the emails. As soon as Microsoft fixes the email API bug, we will remove the attachment again. No, I'm afraid it can't. Regular apps have normal access to the API set of WP8.x and Win10 Mobile, while built-in apps like Settings and special apps developed by Microsoft can have special (broader) access to the Windows kernel. What is especially frustrating is that Microsoft doesn't provide a public API (not even a read-only one) to access more system details. The Windows kernel -- including the one used by Win10 Mobile and even WP8.1 -- can do a lot of very interesting tricks like SoC temperature and CPU core clock measurement, but Microsoft doesn't expose those features via a standard API call, so apps cannot access those readings.
  19. Thank you for the feedback. Yes, it should be able to read that temperature input. Most likely that software reconfigures the motherboard sensor in a way that AIDA64 will no longer be able to read some readings from it. I don't think reinstalling (or extracting the ZIP package) of AIDA64 is necessary in such cases. A simple restarting of AIDA64 should be just as useful to remedy the situation.
  20. Yes, you're right, but that issue only comes up under Windows 10 Mobile Preview. We will fix it in the next AIDA64 app update, as long as Microsoft wouldn't reject our update because of using non-standard Windows API calls BTW, what value do you have displayed for App Memory Usage Limit on the Windows page in AIDA64?
  21. In AIDA64 Build 3540 we've had to transition from the old (classic) digitally signed kernel drivers from the new, SHA2 digitally signed EV (Extended Validation) kernel drivers. The new EV signing will soon be mandatory to use kernel drivers under Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016. That necessary move however rendered the old kernel driver inoperable under such Windows 7 64-bit installations that don't have all the security hotfixes applied properly. Windows 7 should pop up a message box about this issue, claiming that the AIDA64 kernel driver is not digitally signed. Which is of course not true: the kernel driver is signed, but Windows 7 cannot recognize the SHA2 digital signature. What you have to do to fix it up is apply the following KB hotfix package: KB3033929. You don't have to apply the rest of the available hotfixes to make AIDA64 work -- although we usually recommend to have all available security patches to be installed, it's just common sense
  22. Make sure to upgrade to the latest beta version of AIDA64 Extreme available at: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade.
  23. I've sent you your product key in private message.
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