Those aren't warning signs, just the regular voltage/power/current icon AIDA64 uses. What may cause the stability issues on your system:
1) Incorrect or too agressive memory settings
2) Memory module incompatibility with your motherboard
3) PSU (Power Supply Unit) failure or weakness
4) Motherboard capacitor issues
5) Overheating
Try to run the AIDA64 System Stability Test (AIDA64 / main menu / Tools / System Stability Test), only have the "FPU" subtest enabled, and press the Start button. Watch as the temperatures climb up, let it go for cca. 15-20 minutes, and then check what are the highest values the temperatures reach. CPU and core diode temperatures should be under 70 Celsius, motherboard and hard disk drives should be under 55 Celsius. If during the test your computer restarts, powers off or Windows throws a BSoD, and the temperatures look not-so-high, then it can be any of the first 4 listed issues.