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I modified @Exhumed panel for my needs.  I'm very pleased with the result given my limited skill in photo editing software and limited knowledge of hardware monitoring.  I do have a problem that just cropped up with regard to fans not showing, but I don't actually think that is Aida 64's fault.  I think I have a problem with my BIOS after changing my power supply and fan setup.



BHS 3.4.sensorpanel

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Here is a good way to recycle an old Galaxy Tab 3 7" :P.
A few weeks ago, I was using Remote System Monitor but the problem is that it's not complete enough with my 5900x and my 3080.
I modified a little bit a theme found on a thread and from adapt it to my taste at a resolution of 1024x600.


Capture d’écran 2021-01-13 010705.png

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12 hours ago, djase said:


Here is a good way to recycle an old Galaxy Tab 3 7" :P.
A few weeks ago, I was using Remote System Monitor but the problem is that it's not complete enough with my 5900x and my 3080.
I modified a little bit a theme found on a thread and from adapt it to my taste at a resolution of 1024x600.


Capture d’écran 2021-01-13 010705.png

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