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Thanks to marty-demo for his sensorpanel - I tweaked to 600x1024 - this is my first attempt and pretty happy with it, obvoiusly a lot less work thanks to leveraging another oneDetailed_Red_Portrait.sensorpanel. Obviously this much RGB is absolutely necessary :)

Attached my updated version for Lamptron 600x1024 and a very bad pic below - looks a lot better in real life.

Slight tweaks:

  • Changed resolution to 600x1024
  • Cosmetic changes to match Nvidia/Intel
  • Added FPS counter, CPU throttling, Multiplier, Refresh Rate, IP Address
  • 2021-11-06.thumb.png.ffb5f9a1d5bfed19231df342b3d3b574.pngIMG_2793.thumb.JPEG.59cda9b0622410963af46b6765e033a1.JPEG


  On 4/20/2020 at 9:08 PM, marty-demo said:

Thanks AIDA64 .  I've  been working on this project for while now trying to find a good hardware monitor . I've tried numerous software like widows gadgets , Rainmeter and others but none come close to the flexibility and customization of aida64 sensor panel.   

my senory panel and background templates can be found here https://drive.google.com/open?id=1yH94G6xE_tOKwSJsf6KYgZrs51Bm4qH9

The fonts I used were part of the Darwin pro font family

edit( GeeekPi 5 inch HDMI Monitor LCD Resistive Touch Screen 800x480 LCD Display USB Interface for Raspberry Pi 4) is the screen used 

sensorpanel capture.JPG


PC PHOTOsmall .jpg



  • Like 2
  On 11/5/2021 at 11:25 PM, Stephan said:

Is this possible in 800 x 1280 or 768 x 1024, it looks awesome


Hi Stephan,

Here is the original sized background (1080x1920) so you can scale to the size you want, every other piece is a seperate item so you can move all the other parts into places where you want them.


  On 11/6/2021 at 1:55 PM, Alpharius68 said:

Hi Stephan,

Here is the original sized background (1080x1920) so you can scale to the size you want, every other piece is a seperate item so you can move all the other parts into places where you want them.



Thank you, i will going to work with it

  On 11/5/2021 at 4:05 PM, Pneuma22 said:


Just a tip actual vfx software(software made for animations) is much better for shape manipulation. Anyone who says different has no idea what they are talking about. All adobe software can be trialed for 1 month no issues and if you like it go on aliexpress or ebay and buy a year for a few dollars. Its that simple and it costs less than 5$. You really cant beat it. You can get the master collection for 20$ or less so yeah it may be possible to do in GIMP or an online photoshop but its not going to be easy thats for sure as those software werent designed with animation or moving shapes images etc in mind. They were designed to edit stills, even if they do have gif editing capabilites. So after effects or sony vegas these "loading rounds" that are extremely extravagant can be created and rendered inside of 5 minutes. Just b/c its what the software was built to do. 



OK, but I still need tutorial.

  • Thanks 1
  On 11/6/2021 at 3:17 PM, Arctucas said:


OK, but I still need tutorial.


Ok that I can help with, one sec. This is a general round loading round tutorial in after effects:


One little tip for tutorials always make them your own: your own colors your own sizes shapes etc just so it doesnt look like that exact tutorial which if you look closer is how many many of these sensorpanels on these forums were made using this exacxt tutorial b/c the people that did the tutorial didnt change anything about the loading round so it literally looks identical to some of the rounds i've seen on here recently aside from maybe the colors. So just try and make it yours when you do it otherwise its going to look like you copied someone elses sensorpanel on here even though they also copied that tutorial lol...

This is a tutorial for a progress loading bar in after effects... https://www.google.com/search?q=loading+progress+rounds+after+effects+tutorial&oq=loading+progress+rounds+after+effects+tutorial&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i299.7787j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=_56uGYdioOJjNytMPlZO1qAg31

These two are generally what youre going to see in most setups unless they do a really detailed animation with multiple moving parts which is absolutely not easy inside of 15 frames which is why you rarely see anything else but these lol.

You may also need this just for learning basic keyframes, which is literally sort of how ae or vegas animation works.https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+set+keyframes+in+after+effects&oq=how+to+set+keyframes+in+&aqs=chrome.0.0i512j69i57j0i512l8.3255j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

If you need any help with the rendering settings I can come back and post a tutorial for that also if you need it, or you can look up how to render in after effects with png sequence.

  On 11/5/2021 at 5:17 PM, Jon Evans said:

Really happy with this :-)




John please show us how you mounted it to your monitor thats what I want to see? It looks incredibly clean and like you ran all the cable on the back of the screen? Can you take a shot from the back of your setup for us? It looks sick and in the one image it almost looks like there is some sort of arm device under it but i think that may just be something behind it that is sort of taking that shape even though its not which is why I ask? Oh and if that isn't the case how did you get it secured to the side of your screen bezel like that?

  • Like 3
  On 11/6/2021 at 4:26 PM, Pneuma22 said:

Ok that I can help with, one sec. This is a general round loading round tutorial in after effects:


One little tip for tutorials always make them your own: your own colors your own sizes shapes etc just so it doesnt look like that exact tutorial which if you look closer is how many many of these sensorpanels on these forums were made using this exacxt tutorial b/c the people that did the tutorial didnt change anything about the loading round so it literally looks identical to some of the rounds i've seen on here recently aside from maybe the colors. So just try and make it yours when you do it otherwise its going to look like you copied someone elses sensorpanel on here even though they also copied that tutorial lol...

This is a tutorial for a progress loading bar in after effects... https://www.google.com/search?q=loading+progress+rounds+after+effects+tutorial&oq=loading+progress+rounds+after+effects+tutorial&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i299.7787j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=_56uGYdioOJjNytMPlZO1qAg31

These two are generally what youre going to see in most setups unless they do a really detailed animation with multiple moving parts which is absolutely not easy inside of 15 frames which is why you rarely see anything else but these lol.

You may also need this just for learning basic keyframes, which is literally sort of how ae or vegas animation works.https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+set+keyframes+in+after+effects&oq=how+to+set+keyframes+in+&aqs=chrome.0.0i512j69i57j0i512l8.3255j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

If you need any help with the rendering settings I can come back and post a tutorial for that also if you need it, or you can look up how to render in after effects with png sequence.


Thanks. That is a bit overwhelming, though.


A bit more than I can do, I am afraid, never learned any of the programming.

I just need a quick and dirty way to create a 150° arc (or would it be 160°?), divide it into 15 segments of 10°, colorize each segment, save each as .png file (with one transparent outline only for zero state) for a total of 16 .png files to replace stock gauges.

Probably not doable for me, given my lack of skill.


Thanks again.

  • Like 1
  On 11/6/2021 at 4:39 PM, Pneuma22 said:

John please show us how you mounted it to your monitor thats what I want to see? It looks incredibly clean and like you ran all the cable on the back of the screen? Can you take a shot from the back of your setup for us? It looks sick and in the one image it almost looks like there is some sort of arm device under it but i think that may just be something behind it that is sort of taking that shape even though its not which is why I ask? Oh and if that isn't the case how did you get it secured to the side of your screen bezel like that?


I'll post some pics tomorrow but don't expect to be impressed!

It's mounted with some metal strips I had and duct tape. Looks cool from the front and you cannot see the back :-)

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