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On 4/15/2022 at 4:31 PM, Nick Lechnowskyj said:

Took inspiration from another panel that I found on here. Tried messaging the author to buy the assets and he wouldn't respond so I traced them out. Will have an AI file and panel available for download soon as well as instructions on how to create your own segmented gradient gauge pinwheel.

This particular one is setup for a 1920x480 screen.

Unfortunately, the uploaded image quality suffers. It looks a lot better natively.


Nice and clean! Perfect

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On 15/01/2022 at 04:26, Wilson Tan said:

Olá a todos, esta é minha primeira tentativa de personalizar um monitor de sistema para minha nova versão do Ryzen. Eu tenho que instalar o FRAPS para que o FPS funcione.

Observe que você pode precisar ajustar a temperatura da CPU de "CPU" para "CPU Diode" para alguns processadores para refletir as temperaturas corretas.

Você pode baixar Fraps @  https://fraps.com/ .

Ryzen V2
Tamanho: 1024x768 Paisagem


Captura de tela 1_15_2022 3_19_33 PM.png

RYZEN V2 1024x768.sensorpanel 1,54 MB · 179 downloads

Boa tarde amigo poderia me dizer se tem como colocar resolucao maio tipo tv de 24p ? na vertical


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On 4/18/2022 at 5:23 PM, geny.freire said:

Bom dia essa já não esta mais disponivel para download, nao manjo dessa coisa, mais amigo gostaria muito de colocar aqui na minha tv segundaria de 24p seriavel vc disponibilizar e se pode me ajudar a configurar.

this is one of my first project. Page 17 for download

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  • Sensor Moderators

I created a new Borderlands 3 (Amara) Aida64 sensor panel in 1920x480px. Is still in progress.

  • purple colors
  • borderlands 3 inventory window style
  • four rows of stat info
  • Ram/Memory (custom gauge)
  • custom stat schield icon
  • 4 different backgrounds with color grades of purple (lighter, darker)
  • color matching manufacturer logos

Important information: This sensor panel will not be offered for free. Interested in the sensor panel? You can buy it from me. Just contact me


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52 minutes ago, Exhumed said:

I created a new Borderlands 3 (Amara) Aida64 sensor panel in 1920x480px. Is still in progress.

Important information: This sensor panel will not be offered for free. Interested in the sensor panel? You can buy it from me. Just contact me

Have you obtained a license from gearbox to resell their artwork?

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  • Sensor Moderators
21 minutes ago, Anthony Kolka said:

Have you obtained a license from gearbox to resell their artwork?

Amara is only a placeholder. It's just for illustrative purposes of what it might look like. Of course I will create something as a vector graphic myself.

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On 8/27/2021 at 8:59 AM, Graymin said:

thanks I flipped to 1080X 1920 and am working on a 1080x 1080 using the other half for the weather :)  will look at this also thanks a lot

got water cool so keeping track of flow and pump rpm


i woul


On 8/28/2021 at 3:42 AM, intel said:

I've been a member for less than a week and i was looking for a program that would allow me to monitor my computer in real time and enable to have it setup on a raspberry pi screen i have. so after looking on youtube Aida64 caught my eye , i've heard of it before when i use to have a gaming pc but recently sold it earlier this year and got something more smaller and easier to manage. as i'm getting on now and my gaming days are behind me, apart from the odd one that takes my fancy now and again

so looking through this forum i've seen a lot of nice themes and the NZXT theme i really liked but there isn't many with my screen resolution so i took some inspiration and made a version of the NZXT theme and adapted it for my use and resized it to 1024x600 and then i noticed Aayk Custom NZXT theme a few posts back and took some of his ideas and background so credit to him and the original creator of NZXT theme.

so my first post is to give back, say hello and hope you like my first attempt at making a sensor panel.


UPDATE , i've changed some fonts to Arial and the network icon now goes red when you unplug the network cable as well as the network arrows up and down activity.



Nuc Kit.JPG

1024x600 Hades Canyon Blue.sensorpanelUnavailable

for some reason the download says unavailable... but i like the design



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14 hours ago, Exhumed said:

Létrehoztam egy új Borderlands 3 (Amara) Aida64 szenzorpanelt 1920x480px felbontásban. Még mindig folyamatban van.

  • lila színek
  • borderlands 3 leltár ablak stílus
  • négy sor statisztikai információ
  • Ram/memória (egyedi mérő)
  • egyéni stat schield ikon
  • 4 különböző háttér lila színkategóriákkal (világosabb, sötétebb)
  • színben illő gyártói logók

Fontos információ: Ezt az érzékelőpanelt nem kínáljuk ingyen. Érdekel az érzékelő panel? Megveheted tőlem. Csak lépjen kapcsolatba velem



start the business page, ridiculous!

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  • Sensor Moderators
7 hours ago, Stephen Vickory said:

Does anyone have one that fits the Surface Duo 2 screen  1,344 by 1,892 pixels

i bought a few and there just to small

This is a very unusual screen resolution. You won't find anything here in the forum.

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9 hours ago, antonio said:





Hi Antonio

What are you using to create the moving images within the gpu/cpu and ram useage gauges ? Im trying to create something similar using steam live wallpaper but am failing miserably. Would you be able to send me the moving image by any chance or point me in the right direction.



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