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57 minutes ago, David26 said:


thank you very much, I will try to explain myself better. In short, now  I have a problem with the various templates, that is, every time I restart the PC and open aida64, I find the sensorpanel moved even if I have the panel locked. How can I make it always appear on the 8.8 inch screen centered? I'll post some photos in case I didn't explain myself well


It looks like the problem many people have, Aida64 is using the Windows 125% scaling. Just to test to see if this is a scaling issue or something else put Windows scale to 100% and tell us if that fixes the problem.

If it fixes the problem you can try 2 things. Put everything to 100% scaling, start Aida64 and move the sensor panel to your second screen, then put Windows back to 125%


Fix: Try setting "DPI compatibility mode" for aida64.exe

It's a Windows compatibility setting that you apply on the EXE itself. Locate AIDA64.EXE (C:\Program Files (x86)\FinalWire\AIDA64 Extreme) aida64.exe > properties > compatibility > change high DPI settings > activate "Override high DPI Scaling behavior" to System. Scaling performed by: 'System' (from the drop down) > Ok/Apply > Restart Windows > Load/import panel and check if it works now.

1 hour ago, rinaldop said:

Sembra che il problema che hanno molte persone, Aida64 sta usando il ridimensionamento di Windows al 125%. Solo per testare se questo è un problema di ridimensionamento o qualcos'altro, imposta il ridimensionamento di Windows al 100% e facci sapere se questo risolve il problema.

Se risolve il problema, puoi provare 2 cose. Imposta tutto al 100% di ridimensionamento, avvia Aida64 e sposta il pannello del sensore sul secondo schermo, quindi riporta Windows al 125%


Correzione: provare a impostare la "Modalità di compatibilità DPI" per aida64.exe

È un'impostazione di compatibilità di Windows che applichi all'EXE stesso. Individua AIDA64.EXE (C:\Programmi (x86)\FinalWire\AIDA64 Extreme) aida64.exe > proprietà > compatibilità > modifica impostazioni DPI elevate > attiva "Ignora comportamento ridimensionamento DPI elevato" su Sistema. Ridimensionamento eseguito da: 'Sistema' (dal menu a discesa) > Ok/Applica > Riavvia Windows > Carica/importa pannello e verifica se ora funziona.

Yes it is a resizing problem because by setting all the screens to 100% the problem does not exist. I also performed the "DPI Compatibility Mode" correction which is already active but every time I restart the PC I find the screen moved to the edge of the 8.8 inch monitor and as soon as I move it slightly it resizes to 125%. What else can I do?

21 minutes ago, David26 said:

Yes it is a resizing problem because by setting all the screens to 100% the problem does not exist. I also performed the "DPI Compatibility Mode" correction which is already active but every time I restart the PC I find the screen moved to the edge of the 8.8 inch monitor and as soon as I move it slightly it resizes to 125%. What else can I do?

I don't know why it works well for some people and not for others. The newest version of Aida64 has a new option called 'pin sensor panel to monitor' maybe that would help.

I know that this problem used to happen to me more often but it is much better now. I do not know if Windows 11 updates helped or if Aida64 updates helped.

If it works after you set things up you will have to do it every time you restart the PC.

6 hours ago, David26 said:


thank you very much, I will try to explain myself better. In short, now I have a problem with the various templates, that is, every time I restart the PC and open aida64, I find the sensorpanel moved even if I have the panel locked. How can I make it always appear on the 8.8 inch screen centered? I'll post some photos in case I didn't explain myself well






I tried to simulate your situation on my computer. That's what I have (pic1).. uncheck the AIDA64 settings as shown in the screenshot and press OK (pic2). close the AIDA64 application and start again via the shortcut, we get (pic3) hold down the sensor panel with the left mouse button and drag it as needed (pic4) go to the sensor panel settings, mark the checkbox (pic5). click apply ok. maybe this will help you.  I would also recommend that you disable the control panel on the second display (pic6)

1 .JPG






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On 8/5/2024 at 3:19 AM, el_nino said:

Ho provato a simulare la tua situazione sul mio computer. Ecco cosa ho (foto 1).. deseleziona le impostazioni AIDA64 come mostrato nello screenshot e premi OK (foto 2). chiudi l'applicazione AIDA64 e riavvia tramite la scorciatoia, otteniamo (foto 3) tieni premuto il pannello del sensore con il tasto sinistro del mouse e trascinalo come necessario (foto 4) vai alle impostazioni del pannello del sensore, seleziona la casella di controllo (foto 5). fai clic su applica ok. forse questo ti aiuterà. Ti consiglierei anche di disattivare il pannello di controllo sul secondo display (foto 6)

1 .JPG






I did all your steps, only that when I go to click with the left mouse button on the panel and move it to the small monitor, the size changes automatically even if the settings show 1920x480. I attach some photos to help you understand. What else can I do?I did all your steps, only that when I go to click with the left mouse button on the panel and move it to the small monitor, the size changes automatically even if the settings show 1920x480. I attach some photos to make you understand. It's as if it takes the Windows resizing of the main monitor, what else can I do to try to solve it?I did all your steps, only that when I go to click with the left mouse button on the panel and move it to the small monitor, the size changes automatically even if the settings show 1920x480. I'm attaching some photos to help you understand. It's as if it takes the Windows resizing of the main monitor. That when I switch from one screen to another or move the sensor panel that is on the 8.8 inch screen a little, it's as if the dimensions change. What else can I do to try to solve it?


5 hours ago, David26 said:

I did all your steps, only that when I go to click with the left mouse button on the panel and move it to the small monitor, the size changes automatically even if the settings show 1920x480. I attach some photos to help you understand. What else can I do?I did all your steps, only that when I go to click with the left mouse button on the panel and move it to the small monitor, the size changes automatically even if the settings show 1920x480. I attach some photos to make you understand. It's as if it takes the Windows resizing of the main monitor, what else can I do to try to solve it?I did all your steps, only that when I go to click with the left mouse button on the panel and move it to the small monitor, the size changes automatically even if the settings show 1920x480. I'm attaching some photos to help you understand. It's as if it takes the Windows resizing of the main monitor. That when I switch from one screen to another or move the sensor panel that is on the 8.8 inch screen a little, it's as if the dimensions change. What else can I do to try to solve it?


take a screenshot of your AIDA64 settings



On 7/13/2024 at 6:52 PM, rinaldop said:

Yes, a standard custom gauge uses 16 images. If you are monitoring something like CPU usage that goes from 0-100 each image will turn on every 6.25% If for some reason you only want to see an image at 50% then make images 0-6 blank at make image 7 turn on. Image 7 is the 8th image (0-7) and 8x6.25=50.

Your best way to learn is to install a premade panel that that has custom gauges and look at how they work.

hello Rinaldop  hope one day you can do a video on this to show as from start to finish to HELP the ones who are not that good with all this 

many Thank tonylou

On 1/16/2022 at 9:22 PM, Rolenko said:

Finally decided to sit down and fully do up my sensor panel, basically just modified this old one by @Rolenko, he said his was a modified version by @Earl Cloyd Valenzuela but I couldn't find any posts of that member so idk as far as credit goes in this case...
Also grabbed various icons from some panels I found here from @philipfreire 

Anyways I have a 1280x400 screen so not too many templates for that size so decided I needed to modify one that I liked for my panel. For the longest time I was just using one that was set for like 600x480 and just had some of it off screen cause I was too lazy lol. 


A little info for those looking to use it 
size: 1280x400
scaling used: 100%  (Saw this pop up from time to time so thought I'd add it in since it was an issue for me. If your main monitor isn't at 100% scaling, find Aida64 in your program files, right click aida64.exe and open Properties > Compatibility > Change high DPI settings > activate "Override high DPI Scaling behavior Scaling performed by:" and set it to "System")
font name: VoxRoundWide-Bold
FPS is from RTSS
other stuff
   - the bars coming out of the CPU gauge are all of the 20 threads my cpu has so you'll probably have to tweak those to fit your needs if you do use it, a few tips, you can change the size of the bars if you need more or less of them (modify > bar > height), to position them you can hold down ctrl when selecting items and move them all at the same time, also I used PS to get the rounded effect on those bars so you'll probably have to make a mask from the bg that fits over your bars if you want the rounded bars... gl :D
   - the sound visualizer I'm using at the bottom is from using Rainmeter, the skin is called monstercat visualizer iirc


Thanks to everyone who posts here it's really nice to be able to get ideas and sensors to use even if you have to sift through 500 pgs of stuff lol

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21 hours ago, David26 said:

I did all your steps, only that when I go to click with the left mouse button on the panel and move it to the small monitor, the size changes automatically even if the settings show 1920x480. I attach some photos to help you understand. What else can I do?

Did you try keeping Windows at 100%, start Aida64 and move the panel to the small monitor, and THEN putting Windows to 125% ?  

1 hour ago, rinaldop said:

Hai provato a mantenere Windows al 100%, ad avviare Aida64 e a spostare il pannello sul monitor piccolo, e POI a impostare Windows al 125%?  


59 minutes ago, rinaldop said:

Prova a usare 'sistema (migliorato)', potrebbe funzionare meglio.

yes it works, but the problem occurs when I restart the pc and everything gets ruined again. Now I have to try the option you recommended "system enhanced " and see how it goes

5 hours ago, catkinson633 said:

Very nice styling, love the white dial effect was this illustrator or blender/? 


Mostly AI and a little PS to help obtain the dial effects.



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Hi everyone,

I recently finally fixed my broken Logitech G19 keyboard and I decided to give it a new life ! 😄

As I could not find any recent post about that (Only 10+ years old posts with dead links), I decided to go back in time.

So, here is a AIDA64 *.lglcd file with some backgrounds designed by myself for the G19 screen (320px X 240px).

I hope it will help others to exploit their keyboard like it deserves 🙂

Enjoy !!!


AIDA64 Logitech G19 LCD.zip

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On 8/9/2024 at 11:14 AM, catkinson633 said:

After using the Empire Strikes Back panel for a day or two. I have updated the neon version of this panel to make the left side warning neon boxes more dominant, namely to help immediately read the Temp & FPS figures. (Most of the time I don't care about utilization). Enjoy!


TheEmpireStrikesBack_Neon_515x1920_amber.sensorpanel 1.74 MB · 11 downloads

looks really nice can you make it in 1920x480 ?


Hi all, it s my first one here, had to work a bit on this disordened AMD/Radeon Sensorpanel. 


It fits well my needs, and if perfect by no means, I hope it will please some of you. 

The top left corner as a "0" is the FPS counter btw. 

I m not properly "sharing it" as I m not much confortable with rights and stuff, but I wanted to show it. 

Have all a nice day! 



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