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Share your Sensorpanels


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Thanks to all the talented people here on the forum for the inspiration to get me started on a sensor panel!  Here’s my first try.  I’m gonna keep working on it.

I used my MIMO 800x480 that I was using for a Rainmeter gadget on my old machine.  It’s a little busy for the small screen with this background.  But you can’t go wrong with the old Unreal flak cannon! 


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2 hours ago, WayBadMojo said:

Wow, we need to break this thread out by design, I love seeing what everyone else is doing with their sensorpanels but I had to sift through 101 pages of posts looking for a design I saw a few weeks ago!



I agree, I come on here often and have to do the same. I also wish some posts would be straight forward and let people know, "I'm NOT sharing." It saves the time and trouble of messaging or replying to certain ones you like asking if they will share and you get nothing back, not even an acknowledgement. This thread is "Share your sensor panel" Not "Show" so maybe a split.... show/share I don't know lol Apologies if this comes off the wrong way, I love the thread and enjoy talking with those that are active and understand many are busy and are not on here as much. It's just discouraging when you reply to a post, get nothing back and see them post again. I will share whatever I create, just message me, reply or whatever. The creations on here are awesome! Have a wonderful day everyone 

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1 hour ago, Filipe Alves said:

would be cool if there was somewhere to host the filesn like a gallery

This actually, it would be really nice! Maybe a simple shared dropbox address where everyone could upload their stuff

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