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We've implemented sensor support for Aquaero 4, Aquaero 5, Aquaero 6, Aquaduct Mark 2, Aquaduct Mark 3, Aquaduct Mark 4, and Aquaduct Mark 5 devices. We'll need to refine and extend the current sensor module, so please take the first AIDA64 beta as ... well, the first beta ;)


For Aquaero 4, Aquaduct Mark 2 and Aquaduct Mark 3, the following readings are available in the first beta:

- 6 generic temperatures

- 4 fan speeds (RPM)

- 1 flow sensor (LPH -- litres per hour)

For Aquaero 5, Aquaero 6, Aquaduct Mark 4, and Aquaduct Mark 5, the following readings are available in the first beta:

- 16 generic temperatures

- 4 fan VRM temperatures

- 12 fan speeds

- 4 flow sensors

- 4 liquid level sensors (%)

Fan VRM temperatures, flow sensors and liquid levels are only available on the Computer / Sensor page currently. As soon as the Aquaero sensor module gets more mature, we'll add the new type of readings to the rest of the AIDA64 hardware monitoring modules (e.g. OSD Panel, SensorPanel, LCD).


Note: For Aquaero 5, Aquaero 6, Aquaduct Mark 4, and Aquaduct Mark 5 you need to have Firmware Revision 1036 or later to assure AIDA64 uses the proper register offsets for sensor readings.  It may or may not work with older firmware releases.

Please let us know how it works on your Aquaero/Aquaduct device. Note that Aquaeros/Aquaducts are very complicated devices, so we'll need a bit more time to put every piece of the puzzle together. Let me know if you miss anything from the current capabilities of the Aquaero/Aquaduct sensor solution.



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Just tested the sensors on my Aquaduct Mk IV. 


Everything seems to work fine with the exception of the LiquidLevels. Both are completely off.


Liquid Level 1 is reported as 7096%, Level 2 as 215%


The actual value as reported by the Aquaduct is 71%. 


So my guess is that you're reporting 100x the actual value. 


Here's the sensor debug output:


  Reveal hidden contents


Thank you for the feedback.  Does Aquaduct report 2% for Level 2?  Does it report the liquid levels measurement unit as LPH (l/h) ?


Please note that the existing AIDA64 sensor dumps currently do not cover Aquaero/Aquaduct raw registers output.  We'll need to add a specific Aquaero/Aquaduct sensor dump to see how the registers look like.


The Aquaduct only shows one level sensor, I guess the other one is for a different kind of hardware. So I can't tell you the actual value of the second level sensor. 

I also can only use one flow meter and up to 6 temperature sensors. 


The water flow is measured in liters per hour, yes, and you're showing the correct amount for the one flow sensor I have.


The water level is listed in percent, 100% meaning it's filled up to the brim. 


BTW, now the level sensor shows "80%" on the aquaduct while you list "7954%" which would confirm the factor 100. And, yes, it's pretty normal that the level meter has a huge variation, I didn't put any additional water into the device. 


And there's one sensor missing from your listings: "Water Quality". At least I didn't see it. 


I currently have an Aquaduct 360 XT Mark V.

Attached are an AquaSuite display snapshot and an Aida64 Report (there was 2 or 3 seconds between the report & clip).


My Aquaduct firmware version shows as 1020, and I have a thread at Aquacomputer forums regarding updating.



- under Temperatures, Fan #4 VRM is non-existant (only 3 fans on 360)

- Liquid levels appear to be off by some percent conversion

- is it possible to catch the decimal value for Temperatures as you do for Flow Sensors?

- Water Quality is a calculated value from a water conductivity measurement (particulates in the water) and was stated as not to be relied on.

- Power Measurement is a calculated value derived from temperature differences and was stated as not to be relied on.

Item of interest I do not see:

- Pump Hz, RPM & Amps

- Fan Voltages and Amps


Edit: attachments removed


Thanks for the feedback. Here's a new AIDA64 Extreme beta update:


In this beta we've fixed the liquid levels calculation issue, and added fan voltages, fan currents and fan powers. We've also added the new readings to all hardware monitoring modules, such as OSD Panel, Desktop Gadget, LCD, SensorPanel, Logging, External Applications, and Alerting.

AIDA64 doesn't support measuring or displaying decimal digits for temperature readings. We do not believe that's a necessary information, since there's no practical difference between having a certain hardware component running at 35.1 or 35.4 Celsius.

We've checked the pump properties, but so far we haven't been able to identify those readings in the Aquaero/Aquaduct information block. It must be there somewhere, but it's not documented :( We may be able to find it if you could help us by submitting an Aquaero sensor dump: right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> Sensor Debug --> Aquaero Dump. Copy-paste the full results into this topic, or attach the results as a TXT file to your post. When you issue the dump, please takes notes (or create a screen shot) of the actual values of the pump related readings, so we can try to find the values among the Aquaero raw registers in the dump.

We've also tried to find a solution to calculate water quality, but so far we've had no luck about that. We'll try to ask Aqua Computer about that, maybe they would be kind enough to point us to the right direction.

BTW, Aqua Computer has contacted us to notify us about an upcoming major change in the Aquaero registers layout. They said once the new firmware is available for download, they'll send us documentation on the new layout to let us adjust AIDA64 accordingly. We'll try to be quick about that, but please keep in mind that if you update to the new firmware, the values displayed by the above linked AIDA64 beta update may become wildly inaccurate due to the data layout changes.




Oops, I think I am at my limit for uploading.


For now you can pick them up with the links below:




again, it probably took a few seconds to initiate each report, so some values may vary slightly.


One non-aquaero related item.

Normally with an update download you included a small text file outlining the changes... I did not receive that this time.


Thanks a lot Fiery!


All your changes seem to work fine. And nice new icons for the flow and level sensors :)


Here's the sensor dump: 


  Reveal hidden contents

Pump is working at 75.0 Hz, the pump's current is floating between 450 and 475 mA, it runs at 4500 rpm, The water quality is listed as 30%.
The Aquaero CPU's temperature is listed as 44,0°C (I think that's missing from your list). 
  On 10/26/2014 at 9:00 PM, Dutch said:

Oops, I think I am at my limit for uploading.


For now you can pick them up with the links below:




again, it probably took a few seconds to initiate each report, so some values may vary slightly.

Thank you. I'm afraid we need Aqua Computer's kind assistance to figure the missing bits out. They said they will be able to give us a hand next week, so stay tuned ;)



Normally with an update download you included a small text file outlining the changes... I did not receive that this time.

Thank you, we'll fix that.

  On 10/27/2014 at 8:00 PM, Grestorn said:

Thanks a lot Fiery!


All your changes seem to work fine. And nice new icons for the flow and level sensors :)


Here's the sensor dump: 


  Reveal hidden contents


Pump is working at 75.0 Hz, the pump's current is floating between 450 and 475 mA, it runs at 4500 rpm, The water quality is listed as 30%.


The Aquaero CPU's temperature is listed as 44,0°C (I think that's missing from your list).

Thank you, we'll add the Aquaero temperature in the next beta ;)

  On 10/28/2014 at 2:19 AM, Dutch said:

Do you have a dye/coloration in your water?


In fact, I do. It's the official Aquacomputer UV active coolant. But the quality measurement is quite unstable, sometimes it's higher, sometimes lower.


From what I understand, any additives to the water affect the conductivity of the water (pure H2O is non-conductive), and consequently the result of the Water Quality calculation. And as you say, it can vary due to concentration variations and probably temperature variations. I think any particular reading does not in and of itself indicate a bad result, The usefulness of the water quality value range is in the delta of  the result over time... if the range drops, then particulates may have increased, and a water flush could be in order.


My Water Quality reading shows around 75 and that is without any additives other than a small amount of biocide.


Aquacomputer advised not to place too much emphasis on the Water Quality reading, nor on the Power Measurement.


Here's a new AIDA64 beta update ...


... where we've added the following new bits & pieces to the Aquaero/Aquaduct sensor module:

- SoC temperature (a.k.a. Aquaero CPU temperature)

- Pump #1 and Pump #2 speed (RPM) and current. We haven't added the frequency value since it's simply 1/60 of the RPM value, and not a separate measurement

- Power measurements (as Power #1 .. Power #4)

- Water quality (%), pressure sensor, uptime and total uptime. These values are only available on the Computer / Sensor page though

Now AIDA64 supports the upcoming new generation of firmware (FW Revision 2000) for Aquaero and Aquaduct devices. The new firmware revamps the HID input report layout, and introduces a few notable feature improvements as well. We haven't had a chance to test the new firmware yet, so the current code may or may not work perfectly. As soon as the new firmware is rolled out, please create a new Aquaero Dump and post it here, so we can analyze the registers output and make changes to AIDA64 if necessary.


Initially it mostly looks good.


I have only 1 pump, so there is no pump 2 info displayed.

I was wondering what the Hz parameter was as I am used to that referring to eletrical cycles per second... thank you for that info.


The Aquaduct 360 XT Mark V has only 3 fans, but I continue to show a Fan #4 VRM (wonder which fan that is)

   under voltage, fans 1 to 3 show 4.2 to 4.3 volts while the 4th fan shows 11.9 volts

   under cooling fans I show only 3 fans (which is correct)


The Aida64>Computer>Sensor display is very difficult to read currently due to resetting the page to the top when it updates.




Thank you for the feedback and the report. On the Sensor page it should only reset the page position when the number of items on the page (the number of populated lines) changes. If it's possible, please try to find which value keeps disappearing and appearing again, that should be the one that causes the resets. If you could find the culprit, we can look into it ;)


It appears to be the Current Values and Power Values for the fans from the Aquaduct.


case1   case2   case3   case4


I do have firmware version 1020, and don't know if that is an issue.


One question, what is the Power Value listed as "Power #1" with values between 104W and 110W in the screenshots?



one value I do not see that may be of interest is the alarm level.


Update to sensor page resetting to top:


This morning when I booted up, the sensor page display action varied a bit... firstly it appeared steady without resetting, and I noticed that none of the Aquaduct fans showed under the Current and Power Values. Then there were a couple of resets, but not enough for me to see what was changing, and it has been steady since with the fans current and power values missing.




It seems the problem is that your fans sometimes report a meaningful current, while in many cases they report a zero current. The zero current can also be seen on the Aquasuite 2014 screen shot that you've posted about the alarm level. And when a measured fan current gets zero, AIDA64 will remove the line from the Sensor page and update the whole page since the number of list items changed.

Power #1 is the Power Measurement 1, as you can see it in Aquasuite 2014.

We'll add Actual Alarm Level in the next AIDA64 beta ;)


When my system is idling, and the heat load is low, the fans on the radiator do stop on occasion as determined by the presets on the controller.


I know some of these values have not made it to the sensorpanel yet, but assuming they will, if I have a graph running to plot fan speed, what happens to the sensorpanel when the fan stops? Do all inputs get ignored if they go to zero? Zero can be a valid value.


Hi everyone


I found this topic on my search for an integration of my AquaSuite sensor data into Aida64.

Are there any plans to support my components in a future release.


My System has an AquastreamXT pump and a MPS Flow/Temp sensor from Aqua Computer.


I used LCDHost for my G19 before but now I prefer the Aida64 LCD support.




  On 10/31/2014 at 9:11 PM, Dutch said:

When my system is idling, and the heat load is low, the fans on the radiator do stop on occasion as determined by the presets on the controller.

That's fine of course, but the problem in your case is that your fan registers seem to report a zero current even when they're spinning. At least that's what I can see on the Alarm Level related screen shot of yours.


I know some of these values have not made it to the sensorpanel yet, but assuming they will, if I have a graph running to plot fan speed, what happens to the sensorpanel when the fan stops? Do all inputs get ignored if they go to zero? Zero can be a valid value.

Most of the items are already on the SensorPanel. The ones missing are the Pressure, Water Quality, UpTime and Total UpTime. As for the zero fan speed, it will of course be indicated as a zero value on the graphs, as expected.

  On 11/1/2014 at 4:00 PM, McPolli said:

Hi everyone


I found this topic on my search for an integration of my AquaSuite sensor data into Aida64.

Are there any plans to support my components in a future release.


My System has an AquastreamXT pump and a MPS Flow/Temp sensor from Aqua Computer.


I used LCDHost for my G19 before but now I prefer the Aida64 LCD support.




You can already use the Aquaero sensor module in the latest AIDA64 Extreme beta update:



Yes, the fan speeds behave as expected in the SensorPanel, reporting the fan speed even if zero.


But in Aida64>Computer>Sensor the fans go away when their values go to zero.


Agreed, the fan current on the Aquasuite display does show zero when it should not, and I will take that up with Aquaxcomputer.


Edit: attachment deleted


Fan RPM speeds disappear from the Sensor page when they fall to zero, that's normal. It is done because many sensor chips feature 5 or more fan speed tachometers, but most motherboards will not use all of them, and users will usually just use 1 or 2 out of those actually. And it wouldn't make much sense to show a lot of stopped fans when actually just a few of those are actually connected. Sadly, sensor chips are not capable of telling monitoring software which fan tachometer input actually has a connected fan. There's no contact or pressure sensor built into fan headers to indicate that the fan header is currently utilized/connected :(

While on the other hand, when you build your SensorPanel, you will not drop such fan speed readings on your panel that are not connected, so it's vital to see not spinning fans there, and not hide them.

I know that sometimes the logic AIDA64 uses about hardware monitoring may sound twisted or not logical at all, but usually it's just designed that way to ensure a great user experience.

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