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Everything posted by Fiery

  1. The DLL is part of Logitech Gaming Software, and it is linked with other modules of LGS. So it's not possible to copy it over from a different source. Reinstalling LGS usually fixes the issue, just as it did in your case
  2. Make sure to update Logitech Gaming Software to its latest version, and also update AIDA64 to the latest beta version available at: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade. Regards, Fiery
  3. In order to use the built-in Audit Manager and Change Manager features, you need to include the audit-related pages in your report profile. Otherwise, one or more of the pre-defined set of audit items will not work properly. You can check the list of audit-related pages if you create a report file using that report profile, e.g. manually by the Report Wizard, or via the command-line option /AUDIT. Regards, Fiery
  4. Are you using the latest stable version of AIDA64 v5.60.3700? If yes, then please note that there's a bug in that build that we've already fixed in the latest beta version of AIDA64 Extreme available at: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade. Regards, Fiery
  5. It would be important to narrow it down a little bit more. Please try to find out which one of the 3 options helps to get rid of the slowdown.
  6. Yes, they've told us that they're quite busy, I suppose with finishing up and then rolling out new hardware. They should be able to provide the necessary programming information in a few weeks.
  7. For video cards memory read and memory write speed reflect the performance the GPU can transfer data from/to the host (CPU) through the PCI Express link. In your situation GPU2 seems to be using half the PCI Express bandwidth. It is usually due to it having only x8 link, while your primary GPU should have the full x16 link.
  8. We haven't been able to get our hands on a GRID+ V2 yet. It should arrive next week though, so if we can solve the protocol issue, you can expect AIDA64 to support the device sometime in April.
  9. Thank you for the feedback. We've contacted MSI and they said your board doesn't support monitoring DDRVPP.
  10. We've checked what's available online, but it doesn't seem to be clear at all. Is it possible to handle the device in graphics mode, without writing the bitmap frames to the built-in SD card? Writing one frame per second (or more frequently) to the SD card would destroy the card in a few hours, so it's not feasable. If you're looking for a solution to handle the device in alphanumeric (character) mode, then please let me know what character resolution does your device support, what are the VT100 commands to use to move the cursor to a specific position, how to send text (if there's an escape code to display text), what's the command to clear the display, what's the command for contrast and brightness adjustment, and the bit rate (baud) to use with the additional COM port settings like parity, stop bits, etc. Or, in case there's a single document to explain all that, let me know where can we download it from. I couldn't find one for your specific device that would include programming details and protocol description. Thanks, Fiery
  11. Thank you for the dump. Based on that, it uses an industry standard FT232 USB->Serial bridge chip. The "issue" is behind that chip, ie. how to talk to the LCD using serial commands passed to the FT232 chip. EDIT: I've found some material Let us check how it works, and I will report back in this topic.
  12. I don't think they support passing bitmap data over the USB connection. But, in case you have information on the contrary, please let me know Regards, Fiery
  13. Of course not The AIDA64 System Stability Test, including all its sub-tests can stress any PCs released in the past 20 years, all the way back to the very first Pentium and AMD-K5 processors.
  14. It's a global SMART status. If it says "OK", all drives are fine. Otherwise, one or more drives report an imminent failure. The shared memory tags for power values say "pwr"; whereas the tags for voltages say "volt". If another software picks power readings up as voltages, it's due to a bug of that other software and not an issue about AIDA64
  15. The mentioned new AIDA64 Extreme beta update is available for download at: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade. Let me know how it works
  16. Don't worry, we haven't The issue will be fixed in the next AIDA64 beta update due later today or worse case tomorrow
  17. No, it's not an AIDA64 bug. Intel DTS thermal solution (core temperature measurement) had major issues measuring low temperatures before the Intel Nehalem-class (Core i3/i5/i7) processors came out. The old Intel DTS, featured in your CPU, isn't capable of accurate temperature measurement below 50 Celsius. And it becomes even more inaccurate as the temperature gets closer to zero.
  18. Try to lower the compression setting even more, and see if it helps. As for the LibUsb drivers: you can only install them when the SPF device is in mini-monitor mode. Try to remove the Samsung drivers, switch the device into mini-monitor mode, and try to install the LibUsb drivers.
  19. Thank you! We'll fix the issue in the next AIDA64 app update.
  20. We've checked, and both issues are due to a platform bug of Android N Preview. It's the first and a very early preview, so it's normal to have such difficulties with it. I'm sure Google will fix both bugs soon. Regards, Fiery
  21. It is because for some reason Sony decided to remove that functionality from the Android 6.0 platform for your phone. It may be possible to get around this limitation, but in order to let us check it, we'd need a report of your current configuration. Please submit a report from the About page, and we'll check it out right away.
  22. I'm afraid heavy sandboxing enforced by both Windows Phone and iOS operating systems prevent apps from enumerating installed apps Regards, Fiery
  23. We've never tried that combo. Please note that AIDA64 should work in a virtualized environment, but it is not supposed to provide low-level hardware readings that way. You can try disabling the RAID-related options in AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Stability, but I'm not sure if that would help...
  24. Please don't mix PCH and PCH Diode temperatures. The first one comes from the onboard sensor chip, if it supports that readout. The latter comes from the PCH (chipset) itself, if it supports it. The latter doesn't need motherboard-specific support, so we cannot add it. Your PCH either supports the readout or not, and your BIOS either configures the PCH thermal controller properly or not.
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