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Everything posted by Fiery

  1. You can alter the sensor item labels in the OSD Panel, LCD, Desktop Gadget, and SensorPanel modules. You cannot currently alter them in the System Stability Test and on the Sensor page. We may implement that sometime in the future, but it's not currently on our roadmap.
  2. The GPU model should be listed on the Display page. Have you checked it there?
  3. The mentioned new AIDA64 beta is available for download at: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade. Let me know how it works
  4. The mentioned new AIDA64 beta is available for download at: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade. Let me know how it works
  5. The mentioned new AIDA64 beta is available for download at: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade. Let me know how it works
  6. You can enable the bottom status bar in AIDA64 / main menu / View Regards, Fiery
  7. It means your system is not stable. You can try a lot of things to make it stable, like returning to default (stock) settings in the BIOS Setup or updating the BIOS. If that doesn't help, then it may still be quite a few components at fault, like RAM modules, motherboard or the power supply unit. Unfortunately diagnosing such issues remotely is not possible.
  8. Just extract the ZIP archive content into the existing installation folder of AIDA64. Let it overwrite any existing files. Your entered license and your existing settings will both be retained.
  9. I'm afraid not. Samsung SPF displays cannot pass information back to the host computer
  10. Your post had no attachment. No report is necessary, if you mean the issue about the motherboard sensor. In case you find some issues about your 950 Pro NVMe SSD, then please let us know. The sensor issue will be fixed in the next AIDA64 beta update due in a few days from now.
  11. Samsung SPF LCD displays do not feature a touch-screen interface. At least not one that could be handled by a Windows software.
  12. Thank you. We'll fix the mentioned voltage rail measurement issues in the next AIDA64 beta update due in a few days from now.
  13. That dump is enough, thank you. The problem is that sensor readings from one of your sensor devices replace (overwrite) the readings coming from the other sensor device of yours. We'll have to revamp the way AIDA64 uses sensor slots about fans and pumps. We'll do that in the next AIDA64 beta update due in a few days from now
  14. What kind of external LCD screen do you have? Or you mean you use the SensorPanel feature to display the sensor values on your Windows Desktop?
  15. You can find out about the assignments if you look at the bottom of the Motherboard / CPU page. The first utilization value is Logical CPU1 there, the second is CPU2, and the last one is CPU12. Regards, Fiery
  16. Close AIDA64, and simply extract the ZIP package into the existing installation folder of AIDA64. Let it overwrite any existing files. Don't worry, it will retain your entered license and all your previous settings and customizations. In case you're ambivalent about such upgrade procedure, then you can extract the ZIP package into an empty folder too. Please note that if you have a valid AIDA64 license, then you can use the built-in automatic updater too. Just first enable upgrading to beta versions in AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / General / NetUpdate.
  17. The reason behind all that is because we prefer AIDA64 to report the temperatures exactly the way the motherboard reports them. If the motherboard doesn't report the 3rd temperature (via the BIOS Setup), there must be a good reason behind that. Usually the reason is that the temperature rail provides incorrect, invalid or inaccurate readings; or reports a total nonsense value (like 255 Celsius). But, in your case, if you're adament the 3rd temperature makes sense on your motherboard and that it provides an essential reading, then please let me know the full model name of your motherboard, and we'll tweak AIDA64 to make sure you get the 3rd reading as "Aux" temperature on the Sensor page.
  18. Thank you, but something went south when you created that dump. Please upgrade to the latest beta version of AIDA64 Extreme available at: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade. If it still doesn't provide accurate sensor readings, then please post an updated ISA Sensor Dump made using that new AIDA64 beta. Thanks, Fiery
  19. Automatic page cycling is disabled by default. When there's a physical button attached to the LCD screen, you can use them to cycle between pages. But many LCD screens are not equipped with physical buttons. What kind of LCD screen do you have? Regards, Fiery
  20. Many SPF models have sub-models and revisions, some of them have three variants I guess your SPF doesn't support mini-monitor yet, but only a second or third revision -- still named SPF-72H -- does.
  21. H110i GTX does not use the Corsair Link framework, so please create a USB Dump instead of the Corsair Link Dump.
  22. The only 100% reliable reference is the BIOS Setup, or a monitoring software made by the manufacturer of your motherboard. We could read all 3 temperatures provided by the ITE sensor chips, but AFAIK the 3rd one is not utilized on your motherboard.
  23. Are you sure your motherboard is capable of measuring 3 temperatures using the onboard IT8720F sensor chip? Can you see 3 temperature readings in the BIOS Setup, on the HW Monitor or PC Health Status page? I've fixed that for you
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