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AIDA64 main window can remember its size if you enable that in AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Layout. The Preferences panel will also remember its size.

We've just tried, and importing SensorPanel layouts into a RemoteSensor layout works fine, including all graphs. If you have difficulties importing your SensorPanel layout, then please open your .sensorpanel file in Notepad, find the entry that is imported incorrectly, and copy-paste that line into this topic. Or, you can attach the whole file to your post if you want.

  • 2 months later...
  • 7 months later...

I want to build custom panel using RemoteSensor.


Please add headers in your http://localhost/sse


Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: *
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Or make open API for AJAX requests please

Do you mean we should add those 3 lines to the SSE response that starts with:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: text/event-stream

Cache-Control: no-cache


Yes yes yes!


I want to build custom RemoteSensor Panel using HTML.


Javascript EventSource request can be blocked by browser, in order to Same Origin Policy.


To make it work JS must have extra parameter: 

withCredentials: true


So, if IP of target machine is


JS would look like this:


var source = new EventSource("", {

withCredentials: true


Server (AIDA64 on target machine)  should answer with extra headers:


Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true

Access-Control-Expose-Headers: *   - it's just to be sure)





But it would be realy great if you make one more API.

API would answer with JSONP




      sensor1: {

                label: "CPU1",

                value: 37,

                unit: "°С"



                label: "CPU2",

                value: 38,

                unit: "°С"



                label: "Memory usage",

                value: 40,

                unit: "%",

                color: "#00FF00"









And would be perfect if you could get only needed sensor items you want, if you send extra GET param.




http: //


Answer would be:



      sensor1: {

                label: "CPU1",

                value: 37,

                unit: "°С"




We've added the 3 new lines to the SSE header, as you've requested. We've also implemented the /api JSON API that you've requested, in the way you've proposed. With the sensors tag you have to list the sensor items in the way AIDA64 calls them, separated by comma. So an example URL might be:


Both the callback and sensors tag are optional.

The only quirk is that you have to place all the items you need to access via /api to your RemoteSensor layout as Simple Sensor Items.

You can find the new AIDA64 Extreme beta build at:


After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade.

Let me know how it works ;)

  On 7/14/2016 at 9:26 AM, Fiery said:

We've added the 3 new lines to the SSE header, as you've requested. We've also implemented the /api JSON API that you've requested, in the way you've proposed. With the sensors tag you have to list the sensor items in the way AIDA64 calls them, separated by comma. So an example URL might be:


Both the callback and sensors tag are optional.

The only quirk is that you have to place all the items you need to access via /api to your RemoteSensor layout as Simple Sensor Items.

You can find the new AIDA64 Extreme beta build at:


After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade.

Let me know how it works ;)



Thank You!


Every thing works perfectly.


SSE now can be accessed from any origin.


JSONP api is great.



Next week I'll end up my project and share all sources here.


Right now it looks like this:



  • Like 1
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  On 8/3/2016 at 8:50 AM, sexpot said:

Does anyone know how to make Chrome browser full screen? I'm on an Android Tablet. The built in browser lags very much compared to chrome.


You cannot force page to fullscreen in Android Chrome.


Page must have JS code like: document.webkitRequestFullscreen()






If you can't edit code, try over apps for Android.

For example:




  • Like 1
  • 2 months later...

When I open the page on my phone or raspberry pi (no touch screen), the page is super small.


How can I make this much much bigger?


And how can I have a better idea of what it will look like during preview mode?

  • Like 1
  On 10/13/2016 at 12:58 PM, p1r473 said:

When I open the page on my phone or raspberry pi (no touch screen), the page is super small.


How can I make this much much bigger?


And how can I have a better idea of what it will look like during preview mode?


Is the page super small or the text that you've put on your preview looks too small?  If the latter, then you simply need to use a bigger font :)

The LCD preview in AIDA64 Preferences should reflect the actual layout that will appear on the device. It should be accurate, although you may need to imagine it in a bit smaller physical size if eventually display the layout on a small screen phone.

  • Like 1
  • 1 month later...
  On 11/26/2016 at 2:03 AM, lapoune said:

Can we manually change pages?


Yes, using the new Hot Keys feature that you can activate and configure in AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Hardware Monitoring / Hot Keys.

  • Like 1
  • 4 weeks later...
  On 12/20/2016 at 9:02 PM, xtcislove said:

Will there be custom gauges on remote sensor anytime? :( 

I like to have something like this in remote sensor not in odospace....



Custom gauges would dramatically increase the amount of data that AIDA64 has to send over the network multiple times a second. Also, due to resolution and dpi differences, custom gauges scale badly across various devices, just like static images.

  • 1 month later...

Now that I am back on track, I had to go pick up an android tablet my P1000 screen finally had it. How or what is the best way to set up a 1280x800 display in remote monitor. . With the tablet running length wise or is there a way to have bigger fonts incorporated into the remote sensor( I am at 72 on the font for time and it still seems small), as I usually check the time on the remote window and also keep an eye on my machine from a distance. If the fans spin up I usually look over while watching TV , the fan curve is based on ambient air and water temp. Thanks in advance.  

  On 2/10/2017 at 12:44 AM, vabchgent said:

Now that I am back on track, I had to go pick up an android tablet my P1000 screen finally had it. How or what is the best way to set up a 1280x800 display in remote monitor. . With the tablet running length wise or is there a way to have bigger fonts incorporated into the remote sensor( I am at 72 on the font for time and it still seems small), as I usually check the time on the remote window and also keep an eye on my machine from a distance. If the fans spin up I usually look over while watching TV , the fan curve is based on ambient air and water temp. Thanks in advance.  


Did you configure the resolution that was indicated by RemoteSensor in a blue box on your Android tablet?  It may or may not be 800x1280 pixels, but smaller. On our 8-inch 800x1280 resolution Android tablet (Asus MeMO Pad 8) the right resolution to have configured is 980x1292. We've also checked the font size issue, and 72 seemed quite large already.  However, in order for you to have more flexibility, we'll unlock setting the font size to even larger values in the next AIDA64 beta update due next week ;)



Did you configure the resolution that was indicated by RemoteSensor in a blue box on your Android tablet?  It may or may not be 800x1280 pixels, but smaller. On our 8-inch 800x1280 resolution Android tablet (Asus MeMO Pad 8) the right resolution to have configured is 980x1292.


Guess I will have to figure out what blue box on the android tablet ,to set the resolution . I went with the reported resolution of the tablet. I will give the 980x 1292 a shot and see if it works. Thanks

  On 2/10/2017 at 2:59 PM, vabchgent said:


Did you configure the resolution that was indicated by RemoteSensor in a blue box on your Android tablet?  It may or may not be 800x1280 pixels, but smaller. On our 8-inch 800x1280 resolution Android tablet (Asus MeMO Pad 8) the right resolution to have configured is 980x1292.


Guess I will have to figure out what blue box on the android tablet ,to set the resolution . I went with the reported resolution of the tablet. I will give the 980x 1292 a shot and see if it works. Thanks


You can get the informational blue box back on your tablet if you have the RemoteSensor feature enabled, but you hide all items in your layout. You don't have to remove those items, just select them all and press the Hide button to hide them. As soon as you get the blue box, you can unhide all items again, and continue tweaking your layout.

  • 3 months later...

I'm able to pull the site up on my computer, but all it shows me is this https://gyazo.com/c6ff72d83facece1d13e1b27f00de200 - So then I went to my LCD page where i turned it to this https://gyazo.com/20ca62606b61114b269f9acf16837a90 but I'm still unable to get an actual page to pull up.

Then, I try pulling it up on my iPhone 4s (Chrome App) and I'm unable to connect to it. I'm not sure if you guys still get notifications about this thread, but if you do, please help.

  On 5/18/2017 at 12:53 AM, Savanni said:

I'm able to pull the site up on my computer, but all it shows me is this https://gyazo.com/c6ff72d83facece1d13e1b27f00de200 - So then I went to my LCD page where i turned it to this https://gyazo.com/20ca62606b61114b269f9acf16837a90 but I'm still unable to get an actual page to pull up.

Then, I try pulling it up on my iPhone 4s (Chrome App) and I'm unable to connect to it. I'm not sure if you guys still get notifications about this thread, but if you do, please help.


Have you tried to add some items to your LCD layout in AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Hardware Monitoring / LCD / LCD Items?  The blue box that informs you about the preview resolution will only disappear when you have at least one item on your LCD layout.

  • 7 months later...
  On 12/20/2016 at 9:02 PM, xtcislove said:

Will there be custom gauges on remote sensor anytime? :( 

I like to have something like this in remote sensor not in odospace....



Hi, i am new here and come across to this post. Where did you see this picture? Is it compatible to Aida64 and odospace? I have much the same setting and a template would be great!

Thanks to all tips

Greetz Stealth

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