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Everything posted by Fiery

  1. Most likely AIDA64 has issues communicating with your H110i device because of a collision between Corsair Link Software and AIDA64. Corsair used to have a synchronization mutex to make sure Corsair Link Software can be used simultaneously with 3rd party monitoring software like AIDA64, CPU-Z, HWiNFO, HWMonitor, SIV, etc. But due to unknown reason to us, Corsair decided to discontinue using those mutexes in recent releases of Corsair Link Software and iCUE. Since then all sorts of collisions could occur, and it's now difficult to use AIDA64 when Corsair Link Software or iCUE is running as well. The only solution is to use only one of those software until Corsair puts the mutexes back in their software again. We've already contacted Corsair and offered our help, but it seems the issue is internal, and so they have to do their homework to enable the mutexes in their software. What you can do as an owner and user of Corsair hardware is to express your dissatisfaction with the current state of Corsair Link Software and iCUE via their technical support system, and demand that they enable concurrent use of 3rd party monitoring software again.
  2. AIDA64 doesn't overclock the CPU at all. The Computer / Overclock page of AIDA64 merely reports the most essential systems parameters that are worth watching when you do in fact overclock your system.
  3. We've reverted back to using the primary thermal reading as opposed to the maximum reading of all thermal readings.
  4. Yes, it is most likely caused by the system fan stopping.
  5. Thank you for the test. What do you use CAM for? I suppose it's the NZXT CAM software, right?
  6. Yes, we've rolled back that change, after getting a few feedbacks and also doing some research. It's best to keep the primary thermal reading as the relevant temperature reading for the SSD, and have the rest as alternative readings that may or may not reflect the thermal state of the memory chips or other components of the SSD.
  7. I suspect your issue could be related to the problems about recent ForceWare releases. Try to disable GPU sensor support in AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Stability, restart AIDA64, and check if it makes a difference. I know you would lose a lot of readings that way, but I'm afraid there's no better way to narrow it down to the suspected ForceWare issue.
  8. Do you have the option Wake GPUs up at AIDA64 startup enabled in AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Stability?
  9. We've just rolled out the first AIDA64 beta that includes the new update "what's new" information link. You'll need to wait for the next beta though to first have the information shown.
  10. Not yet. If you don't want to use a beta build, then please wait for the next stable build which we currently have scheduled for next month.
  11. Thank you. In your Registry, at least by looking at its current state, there should be no problem determining (in AIDA64) that you have no paging files configured.
  12. Thank you for your feedback and kind words
  13. Please avoid posting a single issue into multiple topics. I've replied you in your other topic.
  14. Please let us know more about your hardware configuration. Motherboard model, CPU type, video card(s) model, HDDs/SSDs.
  15. We're currently investigating this issue. It seems to be due to the performance drawback of one or more of the recent security patches (Spectre, Meltdown, etc).
  16. Make sure to upgrade to the latest beta version of AIDA64 Extreme available at: https://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade. If it doesn't help, then please right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> Sensor Debug --> ISA Sensor Dump. Copy-paste the full results into this topic, or attach the results as a TXT file to your post. You may need to enable status bar in AIDA64 / main menu / View first. Thanks, Fiery
  17. Thank you. Go to AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Stability, disable (uncheck) the option called Asus WMI sensor support, and restart AIDA64.
  18. We've presented our arguments, and also asked fellow developers (of CPU-Z, HWiNFO, HWMonitor, SIV, etc) to join in our efforts, but it didn't go through just yet. You as owners of Corsair hardware may need to put more pressure on Corsair to force them to find a proper resolution to this issue.
  19. Try to lower the DRAM frequency slightly. It may just help to stabilize your system.
  20. I don't think it's possible to pull the calculated efficiency data from Corsair Link Software or iCUE.
  21. Thank you. The issue has already been fixed in the latest AIDA64 Extreme update: https://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xe
  22. Fiery

    Date format

    AIDA64 uses the Windows default date format to display the date. I suppose you can alter the date format in Windows Regional Settings to achieve the date display you're looking for.
  23. No, because AIDA64 doesn't support dynamic measurement units.
  24. That would still provide virtualized values and not the real values for the underlying hardware, wouldn't it?
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