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Everything posted by Fiery

  1. I don't think it's possible to pull the calculated efficiency data from Corsair Link Software or iCUE.
  2. Thank you. The issue has already been fixed in the latest AIDA64 Extreme update: https://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xe
  3. Fiery

    Date format

    AIDA64 uses the Windows default date format to display the date. I suppose you can alter the date format in Windows Regional Settings to achieve the date display you're looking for.
  4. No, because AIDA64 doesn't support dynamic measurement units.
  5. That would still provide virtualized values and not the real values for the underlying hardware, wouldn't it?
  6. We've tried to reproduce the issue on various Win7 64-bit machines of ours, but with no luck so far. If you still experience the issue, then please open Registry Editor (by running REGEDIT.EXE), navigate to the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management And export the Memory Management section by right-clicking on Memory Management in the tree --> Export. Please rename the resulting file to MEM.TXT and attach it to your forum post. If you have difficulties doing that, please contact me in private message.
  7. That's most likely because of a collision between AIDA64 and Corsair iCUE. In iCUE Corsair decided to remove the synchronization mutexes that ensured that previous Corsair Link Software worked great together with 3rd party monitoring applications like AIDA64, HWiNFO, HWMonitor, SIV, etc. We're in conversation with Corsair and try to convince them to put the mutexes back again. Until then the collision can only be avoided by using only iCUE or only AIDA64, but not the two together in the same time.
  8. Please contact our international distributor Abseira for details on that: https://www.aida64.co.uk/support-request
  9. Thank you. IMHO no matter what component of the SSD the thermal reading is coming from, if it's higher than the rest, that's the one that is the critical temperature reading and so it should be considered the drive temperature.
  10. From where did you gather the info on the meaning of Drive Temperature 1 and 2?
  11. Thank you for your feedback, I'm glad it works now. Corsair Commander Pro should work already, as long as you have Corsair Link sensor support enabled in AIDA64 Preferences / Stability.
  12. Close AIDA64, download the ZIP package, extract its contents into your existing AIDA64 installation folder, and let it overwrite any existing files. Don't worry, your existing settings and your license will both be retained. Just make sure not to delete any files during the process.
  13. Make sure to upgrade to the latest beta version of AIDA64 Extreme available at: https://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade. Let me know how it works.
  14. Perfect, thank you! Make sure to upgrade to the latest beta version of AIDA64 Extreme available at: https://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade. Let me know if it helps.
  15. Now https://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta
  16. Yes, the mouse hovering only works when there are more than 1 update available. We're planning to enhance the new version notification message box in the upcoming weeks, and we'll of course make it possible for you to check what's new in the new build. I'll drop a message into this topic once the enhanced message box is implemented.
  17. Thank you! It seems AIDA64 is unable to locate a necessary library file called SiUSBXp.dll. Can you please try to locate that file on your system and let us know the full path where that file resides?
  18. Please right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> System Debug --> USB Dump. Copy-paste the full results into this topic, or attach the results as a TXT file to your post. You may need to enable status bar in AIDA64 / main menu / View first. Also right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> Sensor Debug --> Corsair Link Dump. Copy-paste the full results into this topic, or attach the results as a TXT file to your post. Thanks, Fiery
  19. Have you checked this solution?
  20. Your system may get unstable under heavy load due to overheating or PSU failure. Try to use the AIDA64 System Stability Test with only the FPU subtest enabled. It will put a very demanding load on your system. Let it run for a few hours and watch the temperature readouts as well as the CPU throttling graph. When your CPU throttles, it means it's overheating. If your system turns off or locks up (freezes) while running the AIDA64 stress test, there's definitely a hardware malfunction or configuration error.
  21. Yes, it's normal for motherboard fans. It's because for most motherboards it's not possible to tell a stopped fan apart from an unused fan header
  22. The LCD Smartie plugin is not our product or development, so I can't help you about bugs or issues about it. As for the LCD, it should work directly as long as the combination of display and USB-to-serial adapter is supported by AIDA64. It'd be very useful if you could send us an USB Dump where we can check what sort of USB-to-serial adapter solution you have connected to your serial LCD. Please right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> System Debug --> USB Dump. Copy-paste the full results into this topic, or attach the results as a TXT file to your post. You may need to enable status bar in AIDA64 / main menu / View first. Thanks, Fiery
  23. Regarding the various CPU temperature readings, it sounds normal. In such cases when there are doubts about the CPU temperature, we recommend just focusing on the CPU Package temperature. The "CPU" temperature comes from the motherboard sensor chip, while the CPU core temperatures and the CPU Package temperature all come directly from the processor itself. So the latter -- ie. when it works independently from the motherboard -- is always best. As for the fan RPM, which fan do you mean? The CPU fan?
  24. Do you use Windows 10 64-bit with the latest patches and updates applied?
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