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Everything posted by Fiery

  1. Our recommendation is at least a few hours with the FPU subtest enabled alone, and then a further few hours with all subtests of the AIDA64 System Stability Test enabled.
  2. Please let us know more about your system configuration. Motherboard model, CPU type, video card(s) model, any external drives (SSD or HDD) connected? Are you running 64-bit Windows 10 with the latest updates and patches applied?
  3. That reading was carried over from the (now old) Rampage VI Extreme where it was labelled as CPU PLLs OC in the UEFI Setup.
  4. That one doesn't need special support, since it acts like a monitor under WIndows, so you can extend the Windows Desktop to it. In which case you can use the AIDA64 SensorPanel to place your layout on the LCD.
  5. If you want to import the sensor readings from AIDA64 into Aquasuite, then please refer to Aquasuite's user's manual, because it's not our software and so we cannot provide you proper and accurate guidelines on how to use it.
  6. The above mentioned new AIDA64 beta update is now available for download at: https://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta
  7. The mentioned new AIDA64 beta update is now available for download at: https://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta
  8. 2) We do not have plans to show a scope or other visual representation of the audio that's playing. In fact, the SensorPanel and external LCD module of AIDA64 do not support video or animations, so showing such visual effect is not possible anyway, regardless of what it's showing.
  9. You're right, we need to work on FCLK.
  10. Indeed there's a bug about detecting RRD, RRD_L and RRD_S timings on AMD K17.x IMC. We will fix that in the next AIDA64 beta update. I'll post a message into this topic once the new beta build is available for download. BTW, it's so strange that noone else noticed this issue before. Thank you for pinging us about it!
  11. Make sure to upgrade to the latest beta version of AIDA64 Extreme available at: https://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade. Let me know if it helps.
  12. It's hard to tell, but since its value keeps changing along with another thermal reading, I'd say it is most likely correct.
  13. The current and power values could be misleading since they require scaling. The scaling constant are motherboard specific and not published at all, so AIDA64 uses a default value that may or may not be correct for your system. You can use the Correction facility (AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Hardware Monitoring / Correction) to scale the CPU VDD and CPU VDDNB currents and powers in a way that you deem would make them report more meaningful and more realistic values. Sadly Ryzens implement such current/power telemetry logic that cannot provide an absolute Amper and Wattage measurement.
  14. 1) I'm really not sure what could be wrong, since the last time we've checked it worked fine. And it's difficult to verify the wiring remotely. Is there perhaps another software that supports the same wiring and protocol that you can check to find out whether it's a bug in AIDA64 or due to a hardware issue? 2) BSPlayer, Winamp and Windows Media Player are the 3 media players that are currently supported by AIDA64. 3) That's correct. Does SPF-07N support Mini Monitor Mode? Only those Samsung digital photo frames can be supported by AIDA64 that support Mini Monitor Mode.
  15. Thank you! We will fix it in the next AIDA64 beta update. I'll post a message into this topic once the new beta build is available for download. BTW, not only the voltages but also the currents and powers are labelled incorrectly. VDD <--> VDDNB is reversed on all Zen 2 CPU based systems right now.
  16. Minimum, maximum and average values are shown on the Statistics tab of AIDA64 System Stability Test. You can also use the Logging facility to track minimum, maximum and average values. As for 250W/300W vs. 125W, my point was that I don't think a single core (as shown by SIV64) can draw 250-300W on your CPU -- or any CPU for that matter. And when a reported value seems way off, I tend to completely ignore the values.
  17. You need to update your SensorPanel in order to squeeze everything into the new panel's picture resolution and space. Usually it's not a quick and trivial job when it's a complex SensorPanel layout.
  18. Please avoid posting a single issue into multiple topics.
  19. I'm not sure what correctly means and why would AIDA64 show the highest measured value. I'm also not sure how one CPU core could possibly draw cca. 250-300 Watts (as shown by SIV64).
  20. Are you using the latest AIDA64 beta build of v6.25.5434?
  21. There's no generic rule or standard on that. You need to experiment a bit and watch how the values change when the SSD is under stress (e.g. doing a longer reading or writing session) and draw your own conclusion for your own drive.
  22. The first battery capacity value (labelled as "Capacity (Reported by Android)") comes from the Android profile of your device. It was encoded to the profile by the manufacturer of your device, and may or may not reflect an accurate value. The second value (labelled as "Capacity (From Database)") comes from the built-in AIDA64 hardware database, and should reflect the correct value.
  23. Fiery

    Image png error

    In Photoshop try to do a quick export to PNG. That way the filesize will be less than 13 KiloBytes and will be easy to put on the SensorPanel. Let me know if it works out.
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