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fixed: Incorrect CPU usage since Windows 11 22H2

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FIX THIS ISSUE!!! I / We have all paid MONEY for this software and the fact is that YOU (Finalwire / AIDA64) have a RESPONSIBILITY to FIX this issue - eevn if its just a temp fix for the time being...

If software like MSI Afterburner and Riva (which are FREE by the way!!!) can fix this issue then WHY cant YOU?!

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On 11/23/2022 at 2:02 AM, Fiery said:

Just please let us get a work around. What there referring to the slight variation in usage would be better than what we're currently getting. Always from 0-5% cpu usage. 


Then there's this:




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On 11/20/2022 at 10:37 AM, Fiery said:

We're aware of the issue and working on the resolution.

Considering the length of time this problem has been around you've had plenty of time to resolve this issue! Aida 64 is a paid premium product, unfortunately your support is so far from premium it's unbelievable.

The occasional reply you deign to publish here [see quote] in no way resolves or eases the problem. People posting about this issue are not doing so because they like to complain. The issue is real, Final Wires lack of response to the problem is disgraceful.

It is irrelevant who or what caused the issue, you sell reporting software that returns incorrect information. It is your responsibility to fix it.....Now.

I for one will not purchase a new license for Aida64 until the issue is resolved, if others choose to do the same perhaps when you start loosing sales you'll fix the issue. 

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4 hours ago, geoff.s said:

Considering the length of time this problem has been around you've had plenty of time to resolve this issue! Aida 64 is a paid premium product, unfortunately your support is so far from premium it's unbelievable.

The occasional reply you deign to publish here [see quote] in no way resolves or eases the problem. People posting about this issue are not doing so because they like to complain. The issue is real, Final Wires lack of response to the problem is disgraceful.

It is irrelevant who or what caused the issue, you sell reporting software that returns incorrect information. It is your responsibility to fix it.....Now.

I for one will not purchase a new license for Aida64 until the issue is resolved, if others choose to do the same perhaps when you start loosing sales you'll fix the issue. 

Let's clear the air here.  This is not a bug in our software.  It's a bug of the operating system.  I hope you're banging on Microsoft's door at least with the same ferocity than on our door.  The fact that Microsoft was unable to fix this bug of their operating system for months now means something.

We're still unable to reproduce the issue on our own test systems.  Trust me, we've tried quite a few hardware platforms with Win11, but none has issues about CPU usage reporting.  I have no idea what particular bit of hardware or maybe firmware setting that triggers the issue to come up.  Usually we're hesitant to implement a workaround for an OS bug without being able to reproduce the issue.  If we cannot reproduce it, it's very difficult to validate and QC the workaround.  The nature of this issue is also very fundamental and affects multiple features of AIDA64.  Therefore, we have to be extra careful to alter the existing code _if_ we cannot reproduce the issue and then check how the new code works on both older systems (without the OS bug) and the new ones (with the OS bug present).

But, our current projection is that we'll be able to roll out a new beta build with an optional workaround in a few days from now.  It will have to be optional unless we can "catch" the OS bug in our labs and have a proper test environment built around it.

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@Fiery Thank you for the update.  While most of us knew that this is a Windows 11 bug, we were more upset of the fact we were not getting much of a explanation as to why other programs have found work arounds and Aida64 has not.  Thanks for the explanation, this makes sense.

On the support side, Aida has been very quiet as of late.  Some of the paid customers have filed tickets about this issue and never received a response. Me included.  So naturally it's going to be frustrating to your customers when we don't get any answers, good or bad.  Microsoft has Hundreds of doors to bang on (which door do we bang on?), and a good majority of your customers don't know the difference and/or won't be able to explain what is happening clearly in a support ticket to Microsoft. Lots of people don't understand testing methodology, test environments, outside variables etc. So we come to you for help hoping that Aida can work with Microsoft as an advocate for us and for it's software.  As a software developer myself, my team is always trying to find workarounds to problems outside of our control. 

There are plenty of people, me included that would like to help test this bug with you and help narrow down a cause.
Maybe a good start would be to create a new Form Topic for incorrect CPU usage and have people post system specs, screen shots etc and start from there? That way support team could reach out.

Thanks for the temporary workaround in the next beta build.  Let us know if you need any help diagnosing this issue in the future.  

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How can you not reproduce this bug?






This happens in 3 pcs I own. Aida64 detects no CPU usage or it jumps right to 100%. As you can see I'm not using beta versions of BIOS or insider builds of windows. Just using latest release versions.

Even if the bug is Microsoft fault, it's hard to believe you cannot reproduce the issue. And also, why is this bug only with Aida64? MSI afterburner shows CPU usage just fine and i don't see any issue with hwinfo getting CPU usage correctly.

Having that said. Even if Microsoft changed something that is causing this issue, if other 3rd party apps are able to work where your software is not... i think you need to do something about it. It's always easier to point fingers...

Edited by Peabutt
add cpu-z SS
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18 hours ago, Fiery said:

Let's clear the air here.  This is not a bug in our software.  It's a bug of the operating system.  I hope you're banging on Microsoft's door at least with the same ferocity than on our door.  The fact that Microsoft was unable to fix this bug of their operating system for months now means something.

We're still unable to reproduce the issue on our own test systems.  Trust me, we've tried quite a few hardware platforms with Win11, but none has issues about CPU usage reporting.  I have no idea what particular bit of hardware or maybe firmware setting that triggers the issue to come up.  Usually we're hesitant to implement a workaround for an OS bug without being able to reproduce the issue.  If we cannot reproduce it, it's very difficult to validate and QC the workaround.  The nature of this issue is also very fundamental and affects multiple features of AIDA64.  Therefore, we have to be extra careful to alter the existing code _if_ we cannot reproduce the issue and then check how the new code works on both older systems (without the OS bug) and the new ones (with the OS bug present).

But, our current projection is that we'll be able to roll out a new beta build with an optional workaround in a few days from now.  It will have to be optional unless we can "catch" the OS bug in our labs and have a proper test environment built around it.

Thanks for the reply and update, that's all I wanted. The silence on Aida's part over this issue has been deafening for to long.

I'm a Windows insider running the latest build of Win 11 and yes I have been banging on Microsoft's door with even greater ferocity than I did on your door, but my banging on your door achieved the desired effect, a response!

As others have stated, MSI Afterburner, HWinfo are reporting correct CPU usage, whether they are using work arounds or not is irrelevant at least they report CPU usage.

My PC specs are listed in my post, I would say that the components are common in a lot of builds. Given the number of people reporting this problem I find it difficult to accept that you cannot replicate the problem.

Microsoft's response was typical, not enough upvotes so not a big issue. But I will continue to bang loudly on their door.

But once again, thanks for the response.

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  • Solution
On 10/7/2022 at 7:28 PM, Navadude805 said:

Has anyone else experienced issues with their sensor panel not showing correct CPU usage since updating to the new Windows 11 version 22H2? Sensor panel constantly shows around 0-3% usage while task manager displays what I assume to be the correct percentage. Any feedback would be appreciated ! 

@a3v01d @Nenesse007  @AäronWydoodt  @rgp  @doncarlos  @Stratdevel  @JPALEOLOGOS  @Jethro  @Babaz  @Uroš Huzjak  @Haggbo  @rdorian  @Squall Leonhart  @Benni231990  @Pepo  @jklei18  @Eireman  @fossi  @Slipknot79  @EvolutionVR  @zynaps  @geoff.s  @jimmysombrero  @mondueo  @Raymond David Smith Jr.  @mfung1985  @Peabutt

Please upgrade to the latest beta version of AIDA64 Extreme available at:


You need to activate (tick) the last option on the AIDA64 / main menu / Preferences / Stability page called Windows 11 CPU utilization measurement workaround.  Let me know if it helps to obtain more realistic CPU utilization measurements.

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Workaround in newest beta works for me, Aida64 now shows the number I expected.

I have tested it with a chess engine and assigned 16 cores (AMD 5950X, 16C, 32T) to it. So expected value is at least 50%.
Before the workaround I saw 30%. Now it is around 50-52%, so realistic to me. It also showed this value before Windows introduced the bug.
Windows Taskmanager shows 65% but that is too high for me beccause I didn't run other heavy programs.


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Thank you. But it is still not 100% accurate. Seems that AIDAs overall CPU usage is bit below the task managers value. Its around 3-5% below, like 13% (AIDA) vs 17% (task manager) when there is almost no load (Ca. 20 Chrome tabs open with 1 browser game and 1 youtube music video running) 

Another test with prime95 (tested 8 of 16 threads)
AIDA: 65%
Task manager: Ca 90-95%

Another test with prime95 (tested 4 of 16 threads)
AIDA: 46-48%
Task manager: Ca 63-66%

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21 minutes ago, Slipknot79 said:

Thank you. But it is still not 100% accurate. Seems that AIDAs overall CPU usage is bit below the task managers value. Its around 3-5% below, like 13% (AIDA) vs 17% (task manager) when there is almost no load (Ca. 20 Chrome tabs open with 1 browser game and 1 youtube music video running) 

Another test with prime95 (tested 8 of 16 threads)
AIDA: 65%
Task manager: Ca 90-95%

Another test with prime95 (tested 4 of 16 threads)
AIDA: 46-48%
Task manager: Ca 63-66%

Thank you for your feedback!  That could be due to the way Task Manager calculates CPU load: it takes into account the headroom that's provided by Turbo Boost.  Try to compare CPU load values with Turbo disabled (either in BIOS Setup or AIDA64 CPU Tweakings).

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32 minutes ago, mfung1985 said:

Workaround in newest beta works for me, Aida64 now shows the number I expected.

I have tested it with a chess engine and assigned 16 cores (AMD 9550X, 16C, 32T) to it. So expected value is at least 50%.
Before the workaround I saw 30%. Now it is around 50-52%, so realistic to me. Windows shows 65% but that is too high too me as I don't run other havy programs.

Thank you for your feedback!

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  • Fiery changed the title to fixed: Incorrect CPU usage since Windows 11 22H2

I did figure out a work around for this... if you dont mind going into the bios and changing voltage from adaptive which is the stock intel setting out of the box to static/override. itll keep the voltage the same all the time but wattage will scale like it's supposed to. I was testing overclocking on my i712700k went 5.0 all core and static/override on the voltage 1.29v which is a slight undervolt actually and now aida 64 reports correctly... atleast way more correct than it use to be. it's always within 10% of windows task manager assuming that is correct.. 


edit: just seen this beta... id rather get it working using that.. adaptive is more efficient im sure... forget what i said use the beta..


edit 2: after extracting beta and going back to adaptive voltage in bios which is stock and gaming (witcher 3) cpu usage never got above 5%... not even loading into windows etc... went back to bios and changed back to override/static voltage and aida 64 is working as intended again.. correct cpu usage. so the beta isnt really working for me. the usage always reported correctly on like synthetic benchmarks and fake loads but never correct usage on every day task... just a fyi

Edit 3: I'm a bot. I didn't check the box in settings to enable the work around. 

Edited by Raymond David Smith Jr.
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I am not satisfied with this fix in the beta version. First of all, the cpu usage value is still not consistent with the value in the windows task manager. Secondly, after this update, the cpu utilization graph on my sensor panel starts to disappear and reappear constantly. And the worst of all, my 13900k+4090 system starts to BSOD when my system has been stable since the finish of the build. Now AIDA64 just becomes completely unusable from functional perfectly apart from the incorrect cpu usage.

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3 hours ago, Maverickyao said:

I am not satisfied with this fix in the beta version. First of all, the cpu usage value is still not consistent with the value in the windows task manager. Secondly, after this update, the cpu utilization graph on my sensor panel starts to disappear and reappear constantly. And the worst of all, my 13900k+4090 system starts to BSOD when my system has been stable since the finish of the build. Now AIDA64 just becomes completely unusable from functional perfectly apart from the incorrect cpu usage.

Thanks for testing and giving us this update. I was about to upgrade to beta but now seeing your post I will hold of. I have similar specs and don't want to ruin my working pc... 

Blaming windows for this problem is not a solution. Other sw vendors worked it out, why aida64 can't finaly fix this? 

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17 hours ago, Fiery said:

@a3v01d @Nenesse007  @AäronWydoodt  @rgp  @doncarlos  @Stratdevel  @JPALEOLOGOS  @Jethro  @Babaz  @Uros Huzjak  @Haggbo  @rdorian  @Squall Leonhart  @Benni231990  @Pepo  @jklei18  @Eireman  @fossi  @Slipknot79  @EvolutionVR  @zynaps  @geoff.s  @jimmysombrero  @mondueo  @Raymond David Smith Jr.  @mfung1985  @Peabutt

Veuillez mettre à niveau vers la dernière version bêta d'AIDA64 Extreme disponible sur :


Vous devez activer (cocher) la dernière option de la page AIDA64/menu principal/Préférences/Stabilité appelée Solution de contournement de la mesure de l'utilisation du processeur sous Windows 11 . Faites-moi savoir si cela aide à obtenir des mesures d'utilisation du processeur plus réalistes.

Je confirme qu'avec cette version et ce parametre cella fonctionne pour moi .



cpu intel i9 12900 k

ram corsair dominator DDR5 6200mhz

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On 1/9/2023 at 4:26 AM, Peabutt said:

How can you not reproduce this bug?






This happens in 3 pcs I own. Aida64 detects no CPU usage or it jumps right to 100%. As you can see I'm not using beta versions of BIOS or insider builds of windows. Just using latest release versions.

Even if the bug is Microsoft fault, it's hard to believe you cannot reproduce the issue. And also, why is this bug only with Aida64? MSI afterburner shows CPU usage just fine and i don't see any issue with hwinfo getting CPU usage correctly.

Having that said. Even if Microsoft changed something that is causing this issue, if other 3rd party apps are able to work where your software is not... i think you need to do something about it. It's always easier to point fingers...

100%!!! Cant reproduce it... YA OK... Cmon Aida... BE BETTER!!!

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