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Everything posted by Fiery

  1. The above mentioned new AIDA64 beta update is available for download at: https://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta Let me know how it works.
  2. We've managed to fix the SPD issue while we're struggling to find out what's wrong about the BCLK measurement technique we use. We keep looking into it... Make sure to upgrade to the latest beta version of AIDA64 Extreme available at: https://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta Let me know how it works.
  3. Pressure sensors and water quality sensors are not supported by the SensorPanel.
  4. Does the artifact happen only when you adjust the display brightness? So if you don't touch that setting, the artifact never comes up?
  5. Ah you mean the virtual COM port. Well... Right now we're not planning to unlock interfacing with the EVE2/EVE3 displays using 2 different protocols (USB and virtual COM port). The Preferences page for EVE2/EVE3 configuration will already be complex due to the handling of 4 displays.
  6. Please right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> Sensor Debug --> ISA Sensor Dump. Copy-paste the full results into this topic, or attach the results as a TXT file to your post. You may need to enable status bar in AIDA64 / main menu / View first. Also right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> Sensor Debug --> Embedded Controller Dump. Copy-paste the full results into this topic, or attach the results as a TXT file to your post. If it's possible, please try to assure that both fans are spinning while you're making those dumps. Thanks, Fiery
  7. The next AIDA64 beta will support up to four EVE2/EVE3 displays Numbering them is not possible, since the interface is not serial. So you gotta play around and see which one is which by putting something unique on each of the 4 layouts you will build for your EVE2 displays.
  8. We're not planning to enable multi-display support for other Matrix Orbital LCD protocols. Can you please explain what you mean as "COM number at EVE" ?
  9. The EVE2 controller only supports up to 16-bit color depth so RGB888 is not possible. I'm not sure if Matrix Orbital improved on that with the EVE3. AIDA64 renders the image that's sent to external displays the same way, so there's no special trick or dithering used on EVE2.
  10. Please note that on many devices the standard Android Battery API is inadequately implemented, and fails to provide proper charge counter information for the battery.
  11. We will implement support for up to four EVE2/EVE3 displays in the next AIDA64 beta update. I will post a message into this topic once the new beta build becomes available for download.
  12. Thank you for the data. The issue will be fixed in the next AIDA64 beta update. I will post a message into this topic once the new beta build is available for download. Till then, I hope you're having a Happy New Year too!
  13. Multiple LCD devices from the same kind is supported for several protocols (AlphaCool, Aquaero, Crystalfontz, Cwlinux, EastRising, EVGA, LCDInfo, Phidgets, picoLCD, Razer, Saitek, Trefon, Yoctopuce) already, but not for the Matrix Orbital EVE. We can implement that, but first we need to check whether it's possible. Let me know if you're committed to that setup, ie. you want to get two EVE displays.
  14. We've made it possible in the latest AIDA64 beta update available at: https://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta Let me know how it works.
  15. We've figured it out. It's actually working, but you need to add the USB LCD Page to the list of available pages on your Aquaero device. The way to do it is: open Aquasuite X, in the left menu select aquaero --> Information pages --> Information pages --> in the Available sreeens drop-down menu select Miscellaneous --> grab the page called USB LCD page (in the left column) and drag & drop it into the right column (called Displayed screens). Now you have the page that displays AIDA64 LCD data among the pages you can choose from on your device.
  16. Thank you! On the Motherboard / SPD page not even one memory module is displayed correctly? As for the BCLK, somehow AIDA64 is unable to use the PM Timer on your motherboard to measure APIC Clock (which equals to BCLK). Please post a screenshot or a copy-paste of the FACP sub-page of the Motherboard / ACPI page of AIDA64, so we can check what's reported there.
  17. The full list of current IID's are in the AIDA64 Business user's manual. We do not have more IID's defined, and we do not associate an identifier to the other lines displayed in the reports simply because they're thousands of lines. We can extend the list of IID's by a sensible amount if you have specific requests. It shouldn't be hundreds though, since that would again defeat the idea of IID's and slow down the operation of the AIDA64 Audit Manager and Change Manager. If you have such IID requests, please send me your email address, company name and AIDA64 product key in private message, and I will contact you in email for further details.
  18. Please right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> Sensor Debug --> SMBus Dump (Full). Copy-paste the full results into this topic, or attach the results as a TXT file to your post. You may need to enable status bar in AIDA64 / main menu / View first. Also right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> CPU Debug --> CPUID & MSR Dump. Copy-paste the full results into this topic, or attach the results as a TXT file to your post. Thanks, Fiery
  19. Such monitors that you can connect to your PC using a DSub, DVI, HDMI or DisplayPort port, should be able to work as a secondary monitor and as an extension to the Windows Desktop. In which case you can use the SensorPanel module of AIDA64 to display sensor readings on any of the connected monitors.
  20. As I've mentioned in email, we're already working on the bug fix. Please give us one or two days to investigate this rather strange and erratic bug.
  21. I'm afraid we have no Supermicro X11 motherboards among the over 100 test motherboards we use daily to check out whether AIDA64 performs well on them. In case Supermicro could send us one sample of such a motherboard, we can work on it of course.
  22. RComment is always filled with the Computer Comment (a.k.a. Computer Description) value that you can set in Windows / System Properties / Computer Name.
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