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Share your Sensorpanels


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This is a variety of themes for people with white builds and 5" screens. I am using some wonderful gauges created by 5150 (https://forums.aida64.com/profile/113123-5150/) 

The font is GeForce. The panel resolution is 800x480.

The panels as they are now are FREE. If you want the panels modified, customized for your system, or changed in size there will be a small charge. Just reply here or send me a private message.

To send me a PM (private message) put your mouse over the profile image of my username and click on the "Message" button to send a private message.

Take a look! 








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On 22/02/2024 at 12:56, Tony Lou said:

Je viens de télécharger AIDA64 v7 mais la présentation est différente mais tout fonctionne bien voici mon panneau de capteurs que Rinaldop a fait pour moi si heureux que tout fonctionne maintenant,

Je dois juste apprendre à créer le mien maintenant,






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14 minutes ago, pocpoc said:
On 2/22/2024 at 5:56 AM, Tony Lou said:

Salut tu peut me dire ou tu a telecharger ce visuel et si il est disponible en horizontale merci.

J'ai créé ce modèle. Vous pouvez le télécharger tel quel à partir d'ici. Si vous souhaitez qu'il soit modifié, personnalisé pour votre système ou modifié en orientation, une somme modique vous sera facturée. Répondez ici ou envoyez-moi un message privé.

Pour m'envoyer un MP (message privé), survolez la photo de profil de mon nom d'utilisateur et cliquez sur le bouton "Message" pour envoyer un message privé.



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8 hours ago, Halfcutt said:

So I have come to the conclusion that the scaling issue cannot be resolved.

This is 100% on Aida64 side.

You can suggest this Windows setting or that Windows setting. It is never going to work for every person every time.

Perfect example:

Primary Monitor used when panel created: 4K

Display Panel: 1280X480

Sensor Panel: Sensor panel created. Looks great


Exact same system, nothing changed other than Primary Monitor:

Primary Monitor: 1440

Display Panel: 1280X480 (exact same panel)

Sensor Panel: Clusterfuck


I Vote For:

If any more R&D go into Sensor Panel, never mind the bling..... fix the scaling please.

If I am correct, the only way to avoid this is using a dedicated USB display. A display that connects to the PC/Aida64 directly thru USB. No connection to the graphics card.

I have a BeadaPanel display that does just that, natively. I did install a flakey unsigned driver for it to act as a 'normal display'. But it wasnt required to work with Aida64 natively. To confirm the above statement about the connection USB vs Graphics Card, I would have to wipe my PC to totally get rid of the driver for the display. But I am confident with what I have said.

**Reason I cant test display in a different PC is because it is 'hard mounted' inside a custom PC build I did. I cant remove or connect to it without tearing down PC.

so something you could try, as i initially had issues with scaling. i loaded my sensor panel through the use of it being rslcd. initially scaling was a problem as it was not respecting the size i set, but when i made my utility app to load the url for the rslcd file, i forced it to respect that size, so that it displayed everything exactly as expected. you could try to do it that way and see if it works correctly for you. (i hope that makes sense, feel free to ask questions if not)

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9 hours ago, Halfcutt said:

So I have come to the conclusion that the scaling issue cannot be resolved.

Correct .

9 hours ago, Halfcutt said:

This is 100% on Aida64 side.

That is also correct.

I had no idea that just changing monitors would have that effect.

Here is the devs basically saying 'we cannot fix it'


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I made a touchpad for myself, the authors are on this site. I don't remember what their nicknames are (sorry guys). There are some mistakes, I will fix them this week
The screen resolution is 1280x800


Слой 2.png

Слой 1.png

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10 hours ago, FatalizXz said:

I made a touchpad for myself, the authors are on this site. I don't remember what their nicknames are (sorry guys). There are some mistakes, I will fix them this week
The screen resolution is 1280x800


Слой 2.png

Слой 1.png

Love this one. Has everything im looking for. Please this one can be shared? Thanks

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It took me three days to design this Sensor Panel and get it working.

I used two Gauges from the guys here who published and modified them a little to make them smaller and added the °C symbol.






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On 3/3/2024 at 1:11 PM, BHSY_289 said:

I'm not sure if anyone has successfully created and posted a clock with hands but I finally created a working hours and minutes hand clock template. The minute hand is 30 seconds faster and the hour hand runs a bit faster in advance too which I'm not sure how advanced it is, don't want to burn my brain calculating it.

Accuracy depends on how many images you use. For the minute hand, I use 60 images (1 minute=60s so 60 images). For the hour hand, at first, I used 120 images but decided to increase it to 180 images.

It wouldn't be possible to create the second hand as it would require about 5399 gauge sensors and 86399 states to create it.

Anyone interested can download the working TESTING sensor panel and an Excel spreadsheet that I use to calculate. You can pm me if encounter any mistakes or issues.

I will update the 'testing clock sensor panel file' if I encounter any mistakes.

For MINUTES hand:

  • Uses 60 hand images
  • 103 Gauge Sensors
  • 1545 states
  • For HOURS hand:

For HOURS hand:

  • 180 hand images
  • 26 Gauge Sensors
  • 390 states



calculation.xlsx 73.34 kB · 11 downloads

Clock Testing (180 imgs hrs & 60 imgs mins).rar 1.65 MB · 15 downloads

Nice work , we were talking about how this idea would use a lot of frames to make it work so the gauge count ends up in the thousands . Technically to calculate the correct time all gauges need to be set by dividing the day as seconds but if you only want minutes as the smallest unit then it would not need as many gauges , but remember the 0 error in coding were as each gauge besides the first one needs a blank at the start at least to let the relevant gauge show , so the calculations are still using 16 frames only off set to each overlap.

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19 hours ago, FatalizXz said:

I made a touchpad for myself, the authors are on this site. I don't remember what their nicknames are (sorry guys). There are some mistakes, I will fix them this week
The screen resolution is 1280x800


Слой 2.png

Слой 1.png

Very nice design. It's amazing how much info you were able to cram into my minimalistic template.

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On 06.03.2024 at 01:26, nano2376 said:

Мне нравится эта. Здесь есть все, что я искал. Пожалуйста, можно поделиться этой панелью? Спасибо

I will make adjustments to the panel over the weekend and post the full version. (weekends will be on Saturday, Sunday and Monday)

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