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84 points
59 points
52 points
meu projeto.axlcd Technology_elements.axlcd Technology_elements .axlcd starry_sky.axlcd SIMPLE LCD.axlcd Roz1.axlcd ROGv41C19.axlcd ROG480320.axlcd REDalex.axlcd Phantom.axlcd ios.axlcd horizontal_hall_of_fame.axlcd Hatsune_Miku_2.axlcd Hatsune_Miku_1.axlcd Logitech_theme_480x320.axlcd BlueRed.axlcd Bluecircle.axlcd blue clean.axlcd Blue alex.axlcd Black.axlcd52 points
Ever since this was suggested, I started to work on it, but it's a gargantuan task and it takes a lot of time, I'm down to page 51 at the moment. Will keep going slowly, every poster is credited in the name file, only panels with an image attached are added, some weren't available anymore, I hope this helps newcomers when looking for assets to use! This is just to collect all the work shared, my intent is only to help and not to profit of anything, if anyone doesn't want their panel on this compilation you can let me now, I respectfully won't add it. Cheers! Contains all sensor panels shared on the forum until January 2021: https://mega.nz/file/g4lyia5K Unlock key: YROgQxGM0JiZ8sDytUGQ8yyfD2EOedfYMFmyVXSD4d8 Happy monitoring! EDIT: Now caught up to page 100! Will sort out an updated file soon EDIT2: Caught up to this post!!!52 points
42 points
All sensor panels shared on this thread are now archived! Please read the original post for more information. I am not claiming the names on the files as panels created by these people, just who posted them, if you feel like your work is being misused or you don't want it shared, please let me know and I'll make another file! Contains approximately 500 Sensor panels! Most with the required fonts included in zip files, etc Mega Link: https://mega.nz/file/w9kCUTKa Decryption key: OtQpHJQ-KDI56yNk7V-kdVWs685PerOWKOIFpqjuC7c Thank you everyone for all the edits and your hard work, I saw so many awesome design while browsing the forums, everyone is just super talented. Enjoy! EDIT1: New WIP, organizing the HBars, VBars and Gauges to quickly find one with the size you're looking for, starting to look like something useful!39 points
39 points
NZXT Theme: Download: NZXT-Theme.sensorpanel NZXT B&W Theme: Download: NZXT-Theme-BW.sensorpanel NZXT / ASUS ROG Theme: Download: NZXT-AsusROG-Theme.sensorpanel NZXT / Gigabyte AORUS Theme: Download: NZXT-GigabyteAorus-Theme.sensorpanel NZXT / LogitechG Theme: Download: NZXT-LogitechG-Theme.sensorpanel Enjoy! Notes: Fits 1920x1080 displays. Minor changes to CPU/GPU & RAM icons. May require HelveticaNeue Font36 points
32 points
Hello People, here is my first work, 1280x800px. I used a template from one of the forum uploaders as a base to work with. The style is two-colored digital modern optic. As next i want to change the Gauge Meter to match the different red color and add some vector lines around the stats. Which elements remain and have a function that seems useful to me is not yet finished and will certainly be revised again. I will create more different themes from time to time. Tipp: "0 FPS" You need rivatuner installed and run to enable rtss Theme: Cyberpunk Resolution: 1280x800px Font: Chosence (https://www.dafont.com/de/search.php?q=chosence) Cyberdyne (https://www.dafont.com/de/search.php?q=cyberdyne) Graphics: background and icons made by Exhumed License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ Used colors: #E64253 (red: 230, green: 66, blue: 83) #2FD7E0 (red: 47, gren: 215, blue: 244) Cyberpunk_by_Exhumed.sensorpanel32 points
This is the most visited topic on our forum, with the most significant number of posts. We are delighted that we have a great community around the SensorPanel in AIDA64, and we are thrilled to see such amazing work that you guys create. However, we have seen several arguments and issues about the increased number of promoted paid works and copyright infringement. We strongly believe in the importance of protecting intellectual property, but of course, it is not an easy task to monitor all uploaded work. To make the forum more feasible, we created a "Promote your SensorPanel" topic where you can put your work you want to sell to others without flooding the original topic. By doing this, we hope we can support the community here and drive it back to a more friendly and resourceful place. New Rules No advertising posts for paid resources, SensorPanels in the "Share your SensorPanel" topic. You can still upload your panels here to show them to others and discuss details. You are only allowed to upload your own work here. The only exception is when you have proper authorization from the original owner of a SensorPanel to upload and modify their work.31 points
30 points
My mix of white rgb design for almost full white RGB pc... (can't find the damn rog strix 3070 white...) Still need to add few more stuff and need to get fps working... Thinking of adding uptime and move date and time to top left network speed on the bottom right... and i'll have to come up with few more things to fill in lol and just noticing that intel logo is really out of position30 points
I wanted to share with you the interface I developed, it took me a while to organize everything and leave it the way I wanted, I'm sharing the Photoshop file, if you want to change something too, the font used is the Sequel 100 Black Font Family, it's paid , that's why I'm not going to upload it here, but on the internet you can find The interface has a dimension of 1024x600, and it changes color as the PC is being used. Some parameters must be adjusted according to your settings, my motherboard, for example, does not have the RAM v and w sensor, what must also be adjusted are the fans and storage, I hope you like it Sorry about my English. Clean.7z29 points
29 points
I have been following this thread for a long time. Those of you who are trying to sell sensor panels here, why don't you start another thread for them? It sucks to see those sales announcements all the time. Stop crying if someone copies them. This is set up for SHARING. Thanks to everyone who shares their work FREE here. You are doing a great job.28 points
28 points
Moderno Collection v1.1 Update Now supporting multiple aspect ratios and display resolutions! Learn more and download at: moderno.freire.ca27 points
First attempt at a custom panel for 1920x480 barrow display in portrait mode (please be gentle!). Design based to complement the Gigabyte motherboard. Not overclocking, so more interested in temps, fan speeds and how much drive space I've got! Now I've got a panel, I don't think I could go back to not having one - its so useful for checking on things whether working or playing! Next step is to make CPU pump green at the top of the scale rather than red!27 points
Hi for anyone like Retro sensor panel from this comment i've had change and modified this panel to fit 800x600 and 1024x600 resolutions you wile find 3 files one for 800x600 one for 1024x600 and one font file you need to past it into windows font files if you like it please thumbs up RetroSensor.zip27 points
26 points
26 points
26 points
SENSOR PANELS - EDIÇÕES DE MODELOS PRONTOS (encontrados aqui) Boa tarde pessoal, tudo bem? Tomei a liberdade de pegar alguns painéis compartilhados aqui e dar os meus próprio toques neles para a minha utilização pessoal. Acho muito bacana quando todos compartilhamos de forma grátis podendo assim ajudar o próximo. Não sou a favor de comercializar, mas também não julgo quem o faça. Deixei em anexo minhas alterações, vai que alguém gosta, só baixar =) COLORIDO.sensorpanel roxo.sensorpanel branco.sensorpanel montanhas.sensorpanel azul.sensorpanel rog 2.sensorpanel25 points
25 points
Hello Community, this is my finished "Cyberpunk 2077" sensor panel. The working time was 3 full days to create the vector graphics (border bottom and top + frame borders and diagonal lines) and adjust the sensor panel and align all objects exactly. You can change the background image. There are several files here, completely without decorative design elements and with cyberpunk texts / elements and hardware logos. Theme: Cyberpunk 2077 Resolution: 1280x800px Font: install the included font Graphics: background, frame border and icons made by Exhumed License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ Cyberpunk_2077_by_Exhumed.rar25 points
After countless iterations and numerous dead ends I'm glad to present you a new viable variation (v8.96). The following previews helps to compare idle... ...and active state under dynamic load: AIDA64_SensorPanel_v8.96.sensorpanel It's even more compact (400 x 40 px) and shows more valuable sensor information at the same time: - Every modul has its own activity graph as background. - The network modul's invisible frame serves as activity bars where the vertical segments are active between 0 and 1024KB/s, while the horizontal ones from 1025 KB/s to maximum bandwidth. What do you think? Feel free to leave a comment and give me valuable feedback. Thx.24 points
23 points
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23 points
23 points
22 points
This is for all the 600x1024 people out there. I had a hard time trying to come up with a design for a vertical layout and ended up with this. It's based off the speedometer from a Lexus LFA. I'm still trying to fiddle with the gauge values and font sizes but thought I'd share anyways so you guys can modify it to your liking. I've learned a lot from everyone else sharing and posting their panels so here you go. Enjoy! LFA Panel.zip 1806710083_LFASensorPanelv3_sensorpanel.329e1b9cb5bc1c585d75ef0e13e2604622 points
A simple retro casio panel. GFX not made by me but from some android phone theme, cant remember who made it, but will add credits to the author when i find it. Edit; here is the original author of the graphics - 600x1024 Portrait mode zip includes; font, bg image, and .sensorpanel retro-sensorpanel.zip22 points
After buying a new comp i was started with modding. More info - http://nl.hardware.i...irus_59-edition SilverStone Fortress FT03 Black + MIMO 720F Touchscreen USB Monitor (7" 800x480) He was supposed to be better than the old one. Lian Li PC-A05NBF Black + Alphacool LC-Display 240x128 I was looking for software to use the built-in monitor as my old Alphacool LC-Display. And I found AIDA64. The first attempt / v1 The second attempt / v2 - v2.sensorpanel The third attempt / v3. I use now v3 BW 128 v2 - v3.sensorpanel - v3 BW.sensorpanel - v3 BW 128.sensorpanel - v3 BW 128 v2.sensorpanel Possible future - v4.sensorpanel I can't upload anymore, the limit is reached Now I'm waiting for the appearance of the possibility to monitor hard drives and wireless signal strength.22 points
21 points
21 points
Material Design Dashboard (AMOLED ver.) 1600x2560 An AMOLED/low-light version of my 'Dashboard' panel. There are multiple colorways. Works alright with some transparency and a 'Wallpaper Engine' background. I don't have time to resize to other resolutions, but feel free to modify it to your needs. A shoutout would be cool. w/ 'Wallpaper Engine' and some transparency MD Dashboard (AMOLED) - Teal.mp4 I use the above sensorpanel with this RGB profile (not my build or work): MD Dashboard (AMOLED) - Greyscale.mp4 More Pictures: Notes: Min and max values for CPU, GPU, and VRAM temps are just labels. The drive count is a label. There's a transparent gradient layer on top of the histograms. So if one is going resize/modify the panel they'll have to make their own or delete it. All backgrounds are black, the screenshots of dynamic backgrounds are from 'Wallpaper Engine' with Aida64 at 30-40% transparency. Please do not expect this download link to have sensorpanels with dynamic backgrounds. Side Notes: I wanted to make more colorways for this sensorpanel series, but I've actually stopped using it myself. Also, I stopped working on the non-AMOLED version(s) of this sensorpanel. See my profile if you're interested in how it looked. Material Design Dashboard (AMOLED ver.) 1600x2560.zip21 points
21 points
21 points
Want to share my latest project. Currently 90% in progress.. The elements were from you guys who sharing your Sensor Panel here thus, thank you so much. This template is made to accommodate my upcoming long screen (ordered locally) and gotta say that I am proud with this one. The resolution is 1920x480. The fan gauge were custom made including the ram graph (impractical i know lol). I ll share the template soon enough when its completed.21 points
Thanks AIDA64 . I've been working on this project for while now trying to find a good hardware monitor . I've tried numerous software like widows gadgets , Rainmeter and others but none come close to the flexibility and customization of aida64 sensor panel. my senory panel and background templates can be found here https://drive.google.com/open?id=1yH94G6xE_tOKwSJsf6KYgZrs51Bm4qH9 The fonts I used were part of the Darwin pro font family edit( GeeekPi 5 inch HDMI Monitor LCD Resistive Touch Screen 800x480 LCD Display USB Interface for Raspberry Pi 4) is the screen used21 points
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20 points
Hi guys, sorry for being late. As promised, here I attach my finished sensor panel (as of now). The resolution is 1920x480. I think it fits perfectly with 8.8 inch screen. Fonts used were GeForce and Robot Reavers. Special thanks to @Jav M.for the meter bars, pokemon template guy for the storage meter bar, and everyone who have shares your template here for elements that I have used to make this. Hope you guys like it P/S: Since there's limitation on size of files that can be uploaded, I ll create a new account later on to share my elements used in this template in Photoshop format. You can use them for resizing the resolution or on your own template. Hope that helps 2136104408_RYZ5NSensorPanel_sensorpanel.7c00caceaf982eec278e89adc0c9141420 points
20 points
Okay, here is my "Elements Package v1" with a lot of different colored .png ressources. Maybe i add later some more elements or colored files. 1024x600 px 1600x2560 px Free for personal use only, dont sell or make any profit from. Download: https://www.deviantart.com/3xhumed/art/Element-Package-v1-1-by-Exhumed-862641961 1199058671_ElementPackage_v1.1_by_Exhumed.rar20 points